- 心系內科學 全國韓醫科大學 心系內科學敎室
- 牛黃淸心元과 蘇合香元의 效龍에 關한 硏究 南相景
- 中國意學大成(醫林改錯).2 王淸任
- 아담스 신경과학 Raymond D. Adanms(外)
- Brain Dis v.1 Energy metabolism indelayed neuronal death of CA1 neurons of hippocampal following transient ischemia in the gerbil Arai, H.;Passonneau, J.V.;Lust, W.D.
- Stroke v.19 Prevention of delayed neuronal death in gerbil hippocampus by iron channel blockers Iijima, K.;Kogure, K.
- 中風證治 沈全魚(外)
- 太平惠民和劑局方 陳師文
- 東醫臨床方劑學 尹吉榮
- 東醫寶鑑 許俊
- 牛黃淸心元이 平滑筋에 미치는 影響 高庸錫
- 牛黃淸心元이 白鼠의 腦損傷에 미치는 影響 洪碩
- J. Cereb. Blood Metab v.9 Dynamics of extracellula metabolites in the striatum after middle cerebral artery occlusion in the rat monitored by intercerebral microdialysis Hillered, L.;Hallstrom, A.;Segersvard, S.;Persson, L.;Ungerstedt, U.
- J. Cereb. Blood Metab. v.15 In vivo models of cerebral ischemia:Effects of parenterally administered NMDA receptor glycine site antagonists Warner, D.S.;Martin, H.;Ludwig, P.;McAllister, A.;Keana, J.F.W.;Weber, E.
- J Neurochem. v.49 no.1 Extracellular adenosine, inosine, hypoxanthine, and xanthine in relation to tissue nucleotides and purines in rat striatum during transient ischemia Hagberg, H.;Andersson, P.;Lacarewicz, J.;Jacobson, I.;Butcher, S.;Sandberg, M.
- J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. v.9 Dynamics of extracellular metabolites in the rat striatum after middle cerebral artery occlusion in the rat monitored by intracerebral microdialysis Hillered, L.;Hallstrom, A.;Segersvard, S.;Persson, I.;Ungerstedt, U.
- Stroke v.20 Correlation between cerebral blood flow and histologic changes in a new rat model of middle cerebral artery occlusion Nagasawa, H.;Kogure, K.
- 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.11 no.2 牛黃淸心元의 劑形別 臨床에 關한 硏究 李源哲 (外)
- Bioststisstics v.3 A foundation for analysis in the health science Dinal, W.W.
- 河間三六書 劉完素
- 丹溪心法附與 朱震亨
- 東垣十種醫書 李고
- 臨證指南醫案 葉桂
- 本草學 全國韓醫科大學 本草學敎授
- 신경전달물질 v.2 서유헌
- Ann. Neurol. v.18 Regional glucose utilization and blood flow following graded forebrain ischemia in the rat : Correlation with neuropathology Ginsberg, M.D.;Braham, D.l.;Busto, T.
- Neurosci. Lett. v.58 Glutamate neurotoxicity in cortical cell culture is calcium dependent Choi, D.W.
Sustained dendritic gradients of
$Ca^{++}$ induced by excitatory acids CA1 hippocampal neurons Conner, J.A.;Wadman, W.J.;Hockberger, P.E. - J. Neurochem. v.58 Excitatory transmitter amino acid release from the ischemic rat cerebral cortex Simpson, R.E.;O'regan, M.H.;Perkins, L.M.;Phillis, J.W.
- Stroke v.24 BW 619C89. a glutamate release inhibitor, protects against focal cerebral ischemic damage Leach, M.J.;Swan, J.H.;Eisenthal, D.;Dopson, M.;Nobbs, M.
- Anesth Analg v.84 no.5 Modulation of ischemic excitatory neurotransmitter and gamma-aminobutyric acid release during global temporary cerebral ischema by local nitric oxide synthase inhibition Kahn, R.A.;Pananh, M.;Kiffel, S.;Weinberger, J.
- J Neurotrauma v.12 no.3 The effect of the glycine sitespecific NMDA antagonist ACEA1021 on ischemic brain damage caused by acute subdural hematoma in the rat Tsuchida, E.;Bullock, R.
- Eur J Pharmacol v.278 no.2 Post-ischemic changes of [3H]glycine binding in the gerbile brain after cerebral ischemia Araki, T.;Kato, H.;Fujiwara, T.;Kogure, K.;Itoyama, Y.
- J Cereb Blood Flow Metab v.15 no.5 Blood-brain barrier taurine transport during osmotic stress and in focal cerebral ischemia Stummer, W.;Betz, A.L.;Shakyi, P.;Keep, R.F.
- Am J Physiol v.240 no.2 Effect of taurine on calcium paradox and ischemic heart brain failure Kramer, J.H.;Chovan, J.P.;Schaffer, S.W.
- J Cereb Blood Flow Metab v.19 no.7 Kynurenine hydroxylase inhibitors reduce ischemic brain damage Cozzi, A.;Carpenedo, R.;Moroni, F.
- J Cereb Blood Flow Metab v.13 no.3 Inhibition of tyrosine phosphorylation prevents delayed neuronal death following cerebral ischemia Kindy, M.S.
- Crit Care v.27 no.9 Extracellular lactate and glucose alterations in the brain after head injury measured by microdialysis Goodman, J.C.;Valadka, A.B.;Gopinath, S.P.;Uzura, M.;Robertson, C.S.
- Brain Res. v.746 Ischemic tolerance phenomenon from an approach of energy metabolism and the mitochondrial enzyme etivity of pyruvate dehydrogenase in gerbils Katayama, Y.;Muramatsu, H.;Kamiya, T.;McKee, A.;Terahi, A.
- 신경병리학 지제근