뿔나방科 (곤충綱, 나비目)의 1新種 기재

A New Species of Gelechiidae (Insecta, Lepidoptera) from Korea

  • Park, Kyu- Teak (Center for Insect Systematics, Kangwon National University)
  • 발행 : 2000.10.01


뿔나방科의 Parastenolechia屬에 속하는 1종이 新種으로 확인되어 흰날개뿔나방 (P. albicapitella sp. nov.)으로 명명, 기재한다.

A new species of Gelechiidae, Parastenolechia albicapitella sp. nov. is described from Korea, with illustrations of the male and female genitalia.



  1. In: Microlepidoptera of Europe (Eds., P. Huemer, O. Karsho0lt and L.Lyunebong) v.3 Gelechiidae I(Gelechiinae: Teleiodini, Gelechiini) Huemer, P;O. Karsholt
  2. Korean J. appl. Ent. v.32 no.2 GAENERA parastenolechia Kanazawa and Laris Omelko (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) in Korea Park, K. T
  3. Ins. Korea v.17 no.3 New faunistic data of Gelechiidae (Lepidoptera) in Taiwan, with description of a new spocies Park, K. T;S. M. Lee;J. S. Lee