• Cho, Mi-Sung (Department of Mathematics, Ewha Womans University) ;
  • Cho, Yong-Seung (Department of Mathematics, Ewha Womans University)
  • 발행 : 2000.02.01


Let (X, J) be a closed, connected almost complex four-manifold. Let $X_1$ be the complement of an open disc in X and let ${\varepsilon}_1$be the contact structure on the boundary ${\varepsilon}X_1$ which is compatible with a symplectic structure on $X_1$, Then we show that (X, J) is symplectic if and only if the contact structure ${\varepsilon}_1$ on ${\varepsilon}X_1$ is isomorphic to the standard contact structure on the 3-sphere $S^3$ and ${\varepsilon}X_1$is J-concave. Also we show that there is a contact structure ${\varepsilon}_0\ on\ S^2\times\ S^1$which is not strongly symplectically fillable but symplectically fillable, and that $(S^2{\times}S^1,\;{\varepsilon})$ has infinitely many non-diffeomorphic minimal fillings whose restrictions on$\S^2\times\ S^1$are ${\sigma}$ where ${\sigma}$ is the restriction of the standard symplectic structure on $S^2{\times}D^2$.



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