패션상품 소비자의 상표전환 유형과 관련변인과의 관계

The Type of Consumer′s 8rand switching on Fashion Goods and Relationship of Fashion-Related Variables.

  • 김미경 (광주여자대학교 의상디자인학과) ;
  • 이선재 (숙명여자대학교 의류학과)
  • 발행 : 2000.11.01


The purpose of this study was to establish the marketing strategy, that strengthens the brand royalty of their own in apparel industry and that can induce consumer's brand switching against competitive brand. This might be done by suggesting influencing factors on the brand switching for fashion goods. This study was classified into theoretical and experimental study Experimental study was done, using the survey to prove the models for consumers' responses to brand switching by the theoretical study. The survey was conducted through two preliminary questionnaires. It was used as a criterion to prove the validity of the main survey and analyse the reliability. It analyzed at last five hundred ninety-two women in the age of twenty to thirty years odd who live in Seoul and the suburban of Seoul. Followings are the summary of the results revealed through the experimental study. First, brand switching behavior of consumers far formal dress was attributed to two extremes the inner motivation of variety seeking tendency and communication contact, complex variety seeking group, true variety seeking group, derived variety seeking group, and variety avoiding group. Second, the structure of low dimension related fashion according to factor analysis, which affects brand switching, was composed to involvement in 5-dimension, information search in 3-dimension. Based on the results of this study the types of brand switching in fashion goods can be classified by the variety seeking tendency. as inner motivation, and level of contact communication as a outside stimuli. In addition this study showed a correlation among the factors for brand switching related to variables of fashion.
