Automatic Feedrate Adjustment for 2D Profile Milling

2차원 윤곽가공에서 이송률 자동 조정

  • Published : 2000.06.01


Proposed in this paper is a model-bated AFA (automatic feedrate-adjustment) method for maintaining smooth cutting-loads (i.e., cutting-force) during 2D-profile milling. Before the cutting-force model was established, some assumptions were verified through a series of preliminary cutting experiments (The results found that the curving-force was independent of the cutting speed and the cutting action at the cutter bosom). From the data obtained during the main cutting experiments, a “chip-load/cutting-force model”representing the cutting-force as a function of the chip-load (i.e., effective cutting-depth) and a feedrate is proposed. Based on the model. an AFA scheme for maintaining smooth cutting-force by adjusting the feedrate (i.e., F-code) according to the changes in chip-load was proposed. To check the validity of the proposed AFA scheme. another set of cutting experiments was conducted by using feedrate-adjusted NC-data while monitoring the actual machining processes using an accelerometer. The experimental results showed that the proposed AFA-scheme was quite effective.



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