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- ITU-T Recommendation Q.1711
- IEEE Communication Magizine Trends in Handover Design Greygory P. Pollini
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- IEEE PACRIM A Deadline Scheduling Queue Handoff Scheme for Low and High Mobility users in Wireless ATM Network Sang-Joon Park;Byung-Gi Kim
- IEEE GLOBECOM'95 Optimal Prioritized Handoff in Linear Micro cellular Radio Systems Kwan L. Yeung;Tak-Shing P. Yim
- Fuzzy Set, Uncertainty and Information G.J.Klir;T.A.Folger
- Information Sciences v.36 no.1;2 A Review of Fuzzy Set Aggregation Connective D.Dubois;H.Prade
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- Proc. of IEEE ICC'96 v.2 Quality of Service Guarantee in High-Speed Multimedia Wireless Networks C.Oliveria;J.B.Kim;T.Suda