- IEEE Trans. Commun. v.33 no.7 Analysis and simulation of a digital mobile channel using orthogonal frequency division multiplexing L.J.Cimini,Jr.
- IEEE Commun. Magazine v.28 no.5 Multicarrier modulation for data transmission: An idea whose time has come J.A.C. Gingham
- Proc. Vehicular Technol. Conf.(VTC '95) v.2 Interchannel interference analysis of OFDM in a mobile environ-ment M.Russell;G.L.Stuber
- 한국통신학회지 v.16 no.10 IEEE 802.11a 고속무선 LAN모뎀기술 정의석;조용수
- IEEE Personal Commun v.3 no.4 Wireless ATM: A perspective on issues and prospects A.Acampora
- IEEE Commun. Magazine v.32 no.5 Digital television terrestrial broadcasting Y.Wn;B.Caron
- IEEE Commun. Magazine v.33 no.2 Transmission techniques for digital terrestrial TV broadcasting H.Sari;G.Karam;I.Jeanclsude
- IEEE Trans. Commun v.44 no.11 An application of MMSE predistortion to OFDM systmes M.G.Di Benedetto;P.Mandarini
- IEEE Trans. Commun. v.37 no.12 Analysis of predistortion,equalization, and ISI cancellation techniques in digital radio systmes with nonlinear transmit amplifier G.Karam;H.Sari
- IEEE Trans. Commun. v.44 no.11 RF power amplifier linearization through amplitude and phase distortion A.N.D'Andrea;V.Lottici;R.Reggiannini
- IEEE Trans. Commun. v.45 no.10 An adaptive data predistorter for compensation of nonlinear distortion in OFDM systems W.G.Jeon;K.H.Chang;Y.S.Cho
- IEEE Jour. Sel. Areas Commun. v.6 no.1 Analysis and compensation of nonlinearities in digital transmission systems E.Biglieri;S.Barberis;M.Catena
- Proc. GLOBECOM '95 v.1 A predistorter design for a memoryless nonlinearity preceded by a dynamic linear system C.S.Eun;E.J.Powers
- IEEE Trans. Commun. v.47 no.4 On compensating nonlinear distortions of an OFDM system using an efficient adaptive predistorter H.W.Kang;Y.S.Cho;D.H.Youn
- IEEE Trans. Vehicluar Technol v.39 no.4 Amplifier linearization using a digital predistorter with fast adaptation and low memory requirements J.K.Cavers
- IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technol v.41 no.4 Experimental performance of an adaptive digital linearized power amplifier A.S.Wright;W.G.Durtler
- IEEE Trans. Vechicular Technol. v.48 no.5 Optimum table spacing in predistorting amplifier linearizers J.K.Carvers
- Proc. Vehicular Technol. Conf.(VTC '97) v.2-A Amplifier linearization using a new digital predistorter for digital mobile radio systems Mingo;A.Valdovinos
- Proc. Vehicular Technol. Conf.(VTC '98) v.3 Compensation of nonlinear distortion using a predistorter based on the fixed point approach in OFDM systems M.C.Kim;Y.Shin;S.Im
- 한국통신학회논문지 v.24 no.4A 고정점 방법 기반의 사전왜곡기를 이용한 OFDM시스템의 비선형 왜곡보상 김만제;임성빈;신요안
- IEEE Trans. Commun. v.29 no.11 Frequency-independent and frequency-dependent nonlinear models of TWT amplifiers A.A.Saleh
- Optimization by Vector Space Method D.G.Luenberger
- Proc. Vehicular Technol. Conf.(VTC '99 - Spring) v.1 A memory mapping predistorter for the compensation of non-linear distortion with memory in OFDM systems Y.Kim;Y.Shin;S.Im
- 제11회 신호처리합동 학술대회 논문집 OFDM시스템에서 비선형 왜곡 보상을 위해 TMS320C30 DSP로 구현된 메모리 대응 사전왜곡기 김윤식;신요안;임성빈
- IDEC통신신호처리용 VLSI 설계강좌자료 VHDL을 이용한 통신 칩 설계 조중휘
- VHDL(3rd Ed) D.Perry
- FlEX 10K Embedded Programmable Logic Familiy Data Sheet, ver. 4.01 Altera
- Design Compiler Tutorial ver 3.4 Synopsys