- Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications-Conference Record v.2 of 2 A Viterbi Equalizer for Nonlinear Communications Channels Bo Hu;Tsz-Mei Ko
- IEEE Transactions on Communications v.44 no.11 An Application of MMSE Predistortion to OFDM Systmes Mria-Gabrella Di Benendetto;Paolo Mandarini
- IEEE Transactions on Communications v.45 no.10 An Adaptive Data Predistorter for Compensation of Nonlinear Distortion in OFDM Systems W.G.Jeon;K.H.Chang;Y.S.Cho
- Ph.D. Dissertation,The University of Taxas at Austin Design and Comparison of Nonlinear Compensators Changsoo Eun
- Nonlinear System Analysis and Identification from Random Data Julius S;Bendat
- Journal of the Audio Engineering Sociey v.35 no.6 Modeling of the Nonlinear Response of an Electrodynamic Loudspeaker by a Volterra Series Expansion A.J.M.Kaiser
- Proceedings of the Globecom 95, v.1 A Predistorter Design for a Menory-less Nonlinearity Preceded by a Dynamic Linear System Changsoo Eun;Edward J.Powers
- IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing v.45 no.1 A New Volterra Predistorter Based on the Indirect Learning Architecture Changsoo Eun;Edward J.Powers