- 한국정보처리학회지 v.4 no.3 원격교육 특집
- IEEE Communication Megazine Applications of Computer Communications in Education: An Overview Betty Collis
- Computers & Education v.34 A development model for distance learning using the Internet Katia Passerini;Mary J.Granger
- Kr-Net Proceeding 사이버교육 표준 기술 이종화
- IEEE P1484 LTSA draft 4.0
- 한국통신학회 논문지 v.24 no.12 사이버교육을 위한 기반구조 시스템의 설계 허미영;이종화;김용진;진병문
- IEEE LTSC(P1484.2) PAPI Specification v5.0
- International Conference on Society for and Information Technology and Teacher Education Course Learning and Evaluation Management for Cyber Education Mi-Yong Huh;Jong-Hwa Yi;Yong-Jin Kim