- Soils and Foundation v.18 no.4 Obervational procedure of settlement prediction Asaoka,A.
- Soils and Foundations v.20 no.4 An inverse problem approach to settlement prediction Asaoka,A.;M.Matsuo
- Consolidation of fine-grained soils by drain wells, Transactions v.113 no.paper No.2346 Barron,R.A.
- Journal of Mathematics and Physics v.21 no.1 Simple Two and three dimensional cases in theory of consolication of soils Carrillo,N.
- Advanced soil mechanics Notes on soil testing for engineering purposes, Harvard Univ. Graduate School of Engineering, Publication No. 8, quoted by Das, B. M.,1983 Casagrande,A.;R.E.Fadum;Das,B.M.(quot.)
- reprinted in Geotech. 92 Workshop : Applied ground improvement technique v.12 no.5 Consolidation of clay by bandshaped prefabricated drains, Ground Engineering Hansbo,S.
- Proceeding of the 10th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering v.3 Consolidation of fine grained soil by prefabricated drains Hansbo,S.
- Ⅷ ECSMFE Helsinki '83 v.2 Back analysis of soil consolidation aroun vertical drains, Improvement of ground Magnan,J.P.
- Canadial Geotechnical Journal v.33 Estimation of total settlement of embankments by field measurements Matyas,E.L.;L.Rothenburg
- Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division v.100 no.GT8 Theory of consolidation for clays Mesri,G.;A.Rokhsar
- Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division v.103 no.GT5 Time and stress compressibility interrelationship Mesri,G.;P.M.Godlewski
- Memoir Facultry of Eng. Hiroshima Univ. v.2-1 no.21 A new time-fitting method for the settlement analysis of foundation on soft clays Monden,H.
- Soil and Foundation v.28 no.4 Consolidation by vertical drains taking well resistance and semear into conolidation Onoue,A.
- Geotechnique v.37 no.3 Rectangular hyperbola method of consolidation analysis Sridharan,A.;N.S.Murthy;K.Prakash
- Geotechnical Testing Journal v.8 no.1 Improved rectangular hyperbola method for the determination of coefficeient of for one dimensional consolidation Sridharan,A.;K.Prakash
- Geotechnical Testing Journal v.4 Rectangular hyperbola fitting method for one dimensional consolidation Sridharan,A.;R.A.Sreepada
- Soils and Foundations v.36 no.3 Comparison of the hyperbolic and Asaoka observational method of monitoring consolidation with vertical drains Tan,S.A.;S.H.Chew
- Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering v.119 no.3 Ultimate settlement by hyperbolic plot for clays with vertical drains Tan,S.A.
- Canadial Geotechnical Journal v.31 Hyperbolic method for settlement in clays with vertical drains Tan,S.A.
- Soils and Foundations v.35 no.1 Validation of hyperbolic method for settlement in clays with vertical drains Tan,S.A.
- Advanced soil mechanics no.82 Research on consolidation of clays Taylor,D.W.;Das,B.M.(quot.)
- Teoretical soil mechanics Terzaghi,K.
- Soil and Foundation v.38 no.2 Comparison of the hyperbolic and Asaoka observational methods of monitoring consolidation with vertical drains, Discussion Tewatia,S.K.
- Geotech 92 Workshop : Applied ground improvement technique, SEAGS, AIT, Bangkok, Thailand, December, 1992 v.724 Basic consolidation theory of vertical drain method Yoshikuni,H.
- Soil and Foundation v.14 no.2 Consolidation of sois by vertical drain wells with finite permeability Yoshikuni,H.;H.Nakanodo