오존($O_3$)을 이용한 악취물질 처리시설의 적용사례 연구

A Study on Installation of Treatment Equipment of Malodorous Substances using the $O_3$

  • 발행 : 2000.09.01


The technology of malodorous substances treatment was classified physical separation and chemical destruction. This study was carried out to investigate the characteristics of malodorous substances treatment with the change of operating conditions from the ozone generator. The major results of this study were as follows : Removal efficiency by additive ozone rate was measured $NH_3$:95%(ozone additive rate : 2), $H_2S$ : 97%(ozone additive rate:4), $CH_3SH$ : 96%(ozone additive rate : 3), $(CH_3)_2S_2$ : 97%(ozone additive rate:5), $(CH_3)_3N$ : 95%(ozone additive rate : 1), $CH_3CHO$ : 95%(ozone additive rate : 2), $C_6H_5CHCH_2$ : 95%(ozone additive rate : 2).



  1. 대기오염개론 대기환경연구회
  2. 대기환경보전법 환경부
  3. 환경공학 김원만(외 3인)
  4. 대기 환경 및 휘발성유기화합물질 (사)한국대기보전학회
  5. Korea Environmental Institute 정책보고서 VOCs 방지기술 및 적용사례 한화진
  6. 유해가스처리공학 김장호
  7. 대기오염방지기술 박범수
  8. 휘발성유기화합물질 방지시설설계지침 환경부
  9. 한국대기보전학회 측정분석분과회 워크샵 국내 VOC관리의 현황과 문제점 (사)한국대기보전학회