행렬도(biplots)란 행과 열을 그래프에 동시에 나타내어 이들의 관계를 살피려는 다변량 그래픽분석 기법이다. 이를 활용하기 위해서 사용자들이 수작업으로 일일이 프로그래밍해야 했던 불편함엣 벗어나 GUI(Graphic User Interface)환경으로 메뉴에 의해서 사용하기에 편한 행렬도 시스템의 개발을 소개한다. 구체적으로 본 시스템의 개발 방법, 과정, 구성 그리고 예제를 통해 실행결과를 확인하고 결론을 통해 추후 연구과제와 발전방향을 제시한다.
Many users have made the most often use of the SAS system in statistical data analysis all over the world. But it is difficult to use the grand procedures and language of the SAS system. Therefore the side of program development has changed in the graphic-oriented and menu-centered way like SASj ASSIST, SASjINSICHT after a version 6.08 turned into the Window environment. A biplots is a multivariate data analysis technique that graphically describes both relationships among the multidimensional observations and relationships among the variables. But there were not the procedure and graphic interface for a biplots algorithm in the SAS system. In this paper, there are two objects. First, we supply users with the convenience of the environment of CLI, which is constructed with SASj AF and SCL, to solve the problem that we have programed a biplots algorithm with the SASjIML one by one. Second, we reflect the current of the Information Age which means the spread of various kinds of system construction to extract useful information from data with the help of the development of hardware and software.