- SAS Instititute Inc. SAS User's Guide: Statiscs Ray;A.A.(Editor)
- Psychometrika v.52 no.3 Factor analysis and AIC Akaike;H.
- Testing Structural Equation Model Bollen;K.A.;Long;J.S.
- Thousand Oaks Structural Equation Modeling with EQS and EQS/Windows Byrne;B.M.
- Annals of Mathoematical Statistics v.38 Multivariate generalixation of the multivariate t-distribution and the inverted multivariate t-distribution Diskey;J.M.
- Multivariate Analysis: Methods and Applications Dillon;W. R.;Goldstein;M.
- 3rd ed. Theory of Probability Jeffreys;H.
- Department of Social Science Bayesian factor analysis Euverman;T. J.;Vermulst;A. A.
- Issues and Applications Structural Equation Modeling: Concepts Hoyle;R.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.90 Bayes factors Kass;R. E.;Raftery;A.E.
- Bulletin of Institute of Mathematical Statistics v.2 no.7 Bayesian factor analysis Report No. 7322 Kaufman;G. M.;Preaa;S. J.
- Department of Commerce Business Administration Bayesian factor analysis, Working Paper no. 413 Kaufman;G. M.;Preaa;S. J.
- Journal of the Korean Statistical Society v.27 no.4 Variable selsction in linear random effects models for normal data Kim;H.J.
- Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics v.51 no.3 A method for testing nested point null hypotheses using multiple Bayes factor Kim;H.J.
- Psychometrika v.46 no.2 A Bayesian approach to confirmatory factor analysis Lee;S. Y.
- Using Bayesian and Frequentist Methods for Inference Applied Multivariate Analysis Press;S. J.;Robert E.;Krieger Publishing Co.
- Contributions to Probability and Statistics:Assays in Honor of Ingram Olkin Bayesian inference in factor analysis Press;S. J.;Shigemesu;K.;Gleser;L. J.;Perlman;M. D.;Press;S. J.;Sampson;A. R.
- John Wiley and Sons Methods of Multivariate Analysis Rencher;A. C.
- Tokyo Institute of Technology no.11 A Bayesian estimation procedure with informative prior in factor analysis Shigemasu;K.
- Program in Statistical Technical Report v.80 no.9 A Bayesian approach to factor analysis Wong;G.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.92 Mean and Covariance structure analysis: thoretical and practical improvements Yuan;H.E.;Bentler;P. M.