데이터베이스 품질 평가를 위한 모형 개발-텍스트 데이터베이스 내용을 중심으로-

Developing a Model for Quality Evaluation of Text Database Contents

  • 장혜란 (상명대학교 문헌정보학과)
  • 발행 : 2000.12.01


데이터베이스의 품질 평가에 관한 선행연구 결과를 종하적으로 검토하고 텍스트데이터베이스를 중심으로 내용평가를 위한 모형을 개발하였다. 구체적으로 5개 지표의 16개 평가요소를 설정하고, 각 요소별 평가 데이터의 수집과 측정 방법, 그리고 평가척도를 제시하였다. 평가의 실행과 추진방안을 제언하였다.

Bascd on thc ~esuhs of previous cvalnation cfforts, a database qualily evaluation model. applicable to text databases, is developed. Focusing on dalahase contents. 5 evaluation criteria consisting of 16 clanmts a e delined. For each clcmcnt, data collcctioll method along u,ilh measuing process is eslablished. h d an evalualion scales ale also provided. The concludn~g section suggests several areas for impleinenlalion and h u e development.



  1. 도서관학 논집 v.25 정보서비스의 품질평가에 관한 고찰 김지훈
  2. 정보관리학회지 v.16 no.1 데이터베이스 정보 품질 평가의 메타분석 유사라
  3. 한국문헌정보학회지 v.34 no.3 Web 정보서비스 평가를 위한 기존 측정지표 분석 Ⅰ 유사라
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  6. 한국문헌정보학회지 v.31 no.3 과학기술분야 서지 DB의 품질관리 및 평가 방안: KORDIC의 KRISTAL DB를 중심으로 이제환
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  8. 알기쉬운 한국의 데이터베이스 목록 한국데이타베이스 진흥센터
  9. 정보관리학회지 v.11 no.1 정기간행물 기사 색인 서비스의 포괄성 측정에 관한 연구 장혜란
  10. 정보관리학회지 v.13 no.1 국내문자 전문 데이터베이스의 색인에 관한 연구 정영미
  11. Electronic Information Delivery The Eye of the Beholder Armstrong,C.J.;Basch,R.(ed.)
  12. The New Review of Information Networking Questions of Quality Armstrong,C.J.
  13. Libri v.19 A Framework for Description and Classification of Printed Subject Indexes Azgaldov,E.G.
  14. Database Searcher v.6 no.8 Measuring the Quality of the Data: Report on the Fourth Annual SCOUG Retreat Basch,R.
  15. A Study of Coverage, Overlap among Fourteen Major Science and Technology Abstracting and Indexing Services Bearman,T.C.;Kunberger,W.A.
  16. Information Processing & Management v.13 no.1 Frequency and Impact of Spelling Errors in Bibliographic Databases Bourne,C.P
  17. Reference Services Review v.27 no.2 What Does Electronic Full-text Really Mean. A Comparison of Database Vendors and What They Deliver Brennan,P.B.(et al.)
  18. Electronic Information Delivery Basch,R.(ed.)
  19. Publishing Research Quarterly v.11 no.3 Embase-The Excepta Medica Database: Quick and Comprehensive Drug Information Briggs,K.;Growlesmith,I.
  20. A Description of Database Labels CIQM
  21. Proceedings of the Society for Analytical Chemistry v.5 Analytical Abstracts: User Reaction Study Cluley,H.J.
  22. CyberHound's Guide to Internet Databases Detroit Gale Research
  23. Online & CD-ROM Review v.21 no.2 Search Engines on the Wold Wide Web and Information Retrieval from the Internet: a Review and Evaluation Dong,X.;Su,L.T.
  24. The Indexer no.6 User Preferences in Technical Indexes Drage,J.E.
  25. Reference Services Review v.18 no.2 CD-ROM Disk Selection and Evaluation Foulds,M.S.;Foulds,L.R.
  26. Database no.Apr. An Inside Look at an Online Database Garman,N.
  27. Library Resources and Technical Services v.37 no.1 Indexing Overlap and Consistency between the Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals and the Architectural Periodical Index Giral,A.;Taylor,A.G.
  28. User Preferences in Printed Indexes Hall,A.M.
  29. Proceedings of International Online Information v.14 The User Interface to Online Information Harris,G.
  30. Evaluating Internet Research Sources Harris,R.
  31. Online & CD ROM Review v.17 no.4 Evaluations of Electronic Databases, partⅠ: Criteria for Testing CD ROM Products Harry,V.;Oppenheim,C.
  32. Online & CD ROM Review v.17 no.6 Evaluation of Electronic Databases, partⅡ: Testing CD ROM Products Harry,V.;Oppenheim,C.
  33. Online v.12 no.2 How to Evaluate Reference Materials on CD-ROM Herther,N.
  34. Database v.15 What is an Update. Currency Test Search of Databases Jacso,P.
  35. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology v.32 Content Evalution of Databases Jacso,P.
  36. Database v.18 no.1 Four Current Awareness Databases: Coverage and Currency Compared Jaguszewski,J.A.;Kempf,J.L.
  37. Quality Requirements for Databases-project for Evaluating Finnish Databases Juntunen,R.(et al.)
  38. Online v.22 no.4 Beyond Evaluation: A Model for Cooperative Evaluation of Internet Resources Kirkwood,H.P.
  39. Educational and Psychological Measurement v.30 Determining Sample Size for Research Activities Krejcie,R.V.;Morgan,D.W.
  40. 문헌정보학의 연구방법론 Powell,R.R.;홍현진(역)
  41. LISR v.7 Library and Information Science Abstracting and Indexing Services: Coverage, Overlap and Context LaBorie,T.(et al.)
  42. 색인초록의 이론과 실제 Lancaster,F.W.;장혜란(역)
  43. Journal of Documentation v.20 Tests on Abstracts Journals Martyn,J.;Slater,M.
  44. Online v.14 no.6 Quality Control and The Zen of Database Production Mintz,A.P.
  45. Bibliography on Evaluating Internet Resources Nicole,A.
  46. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology v.23 Quality Control in Online Databases O'Neill,E.T.;Vizine-Goetz,D.
  47. Journal of Documentation v.56 no.2 The Evaluation of WWW Search Engines Oppenheim,C.(et al.)
  48. Proceeding of the National Online Meeting v.10 Importance of Quality Data for Bibliometric Research Pao,M.L.
  49. Journal of Information Science v.23 no.1 Measuring Quality in the Production of Databases Rittberger,M.;Rittberger,W.
  50. Online Review v.15 no.2 Online Searching in Philosophy : A Comparison of Philosophers Index and Francis Sievert,M.C.;Sievert,D.E.
  51. The Public Acess Computer Systems Review v.8 no.3 Testing the Surf: Criteria for Evaluating Internet Information Resources Smith,A.G.
  52. Online & CD ROM Review v.17 no.5 Quality Assurance in Drug Ingormation Centres Vercellesi,L.
  53. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering v.7 no.4 A Framework for Analysis of Data Quality Research Wang,R.Y.;Storey,V.C.;Firth,C.P.
  54. EQUIP : A European Survey of Quality Criterion for the Evaluation of Databases Wilson,T.
  55. CD-ROM Professional v.4 no.1 Towards More Critical Reviewing and Analysis of CD-ROM User Software Interfaces Zink,S.D.