Genetic Variation of Hemoglobin and Ganglioside Monooxygenase in Korean Sapsarees (Canis familiaris)

  • Kim, Jong-Bong (Department of Biology, Ctholic University of Daegu) ;
  • Yuichi Tanabe (School of Veterinary Medicine, Azabu University)
  • Published : 2000.12.01


Genetic variation of hemoglobin and erythrocyte ganglisoside monooxygenase were analyzed in Korean nature dog Sapsarees by horizontal starch gel electrophoresis and thin layer chromatography. Hemoglobin has three phenotypes A, B and AB, which are controlled by two codominant alleles, {TEX}$Hb^{a}${/TEX} and {TEX}$Hb^[b}${/TEX}, at one autosomal locus. Gene frequencies of {TEX}$Hb^{a}${/TEX} and {TEX}$Hb^{b}${/TEX} were 0.537 and 0.4625. Ganglioside monooxygenase has two phenotypes, dominant and recessive. They are controlled by a dominant allele {TEX}$Gmo^{a}${/TEX} and a recessive allele {TEX}$Gmo^{g}${/TEX}. Frequencies of {TEX}$Gmo^{a}${/TEX} and {TEX}$Gmo^{g}${/TEX} were 0.5477 and 0.4523.
