인공습지 오수처리시설의 처리성능에 관한 연구

Study on the Performance of Constructed Wetland System for Sewage Treatment

  • 윤춘경 (건국대학교 농업생명과학대학)
  • 발행 : 2000.08.01


Field experiment was performed from August 1996 to December 1999 to examine the performance of constructed wetland system for wastewater treatment in rural area. The constructed wetland system was installed in Konkuk University and the effluent from septic tank of school building was used as an influent to the treatment basin. The treatment basin was composed of sand bed with planted reed. From August 1996 to June 1998 the hydraulic loading rate was fixed with about 15.63cm/day and theoretical detention time was 1.38 days, and from July 1998 to December 1999 the hydraulic loading rate was about 6.25cm/day and theoretical detention time was 3.5days. It worked continuously even during winter time, and the sewage flowed without freezing even when average daily air temperature was below -1$0^{\circ}C$. Average removal rate of BOD , COD, and SS was about 70%, T-P removal rate was about 50.8% , and T-N removal rate was 23.9%. The reason for poor T-N removal might be due to high influent concentration and short retention times. At the later years BOD and COD removal rates were increased , and SS and T-P removal rates did not change significantly , but T-N removal rates were decreased. The effluent of the wetland system often effluent water quality standards for sewage treatment plant, therefore, further treatment would be required if the effluent need to be discharged to the public water. Wetland system involves relatively large land area and could be suitable for rural area. Therefore, utilization of reclaimed sewage for agricultural purpose or subsequent land treatment is recommended as a ultimate disposal of sewage for agricultural purpose or subsequent land treatment is recommended as a ultimate disposal of sewage in rural area.



  1. 자연정화법을 이용한 농촌지역의 소규모오폐수퍼리 시스템 김형중
  2. 농촌오수 처리수의 농업용수로의 재이용 가능성에 관한 연구 권태영
  3. 한국농공학회지 v.39 no.4 인공습지에 의한 농촌오수처리에 관한 연구 윤춘경;권순국;김형중
  4. 한국농공학회지 v.40 no.3 인공습지의 농촌지역 오수정화시설에 적용가능성 연구 윤춘경;권순국;권태영
  5. 한국농공학회지 v.41 no.4 생장기와 동절기의 인공습지 오수처리 성능 윤춘경;권순국;함종화
  6. 지역환경공학 권순국;김복영;김진수;김태철;윤춘경;정재춘;홍성구
  7. 인공습지를 이용한 군부대 오수정화에 관한 연구 과학기술정책관리연구소
  8. 환경관계법규II, 수질편, 오수·분뇨 및 축산폐수의 처리에 관한 법률. 별표-1 홍문관
  9. Design Manual: Constructed Wetlands and Aquatic Plant Systems for Municipal Wastewater Treatment, EPA/625/1-88/022 U. S. EPA.
  10. Standard Methods for the examination of water and wastewater, 19th Edition APHA
  11. Manual of Practice FD-16 Natural Systems for wastewater Treatment WPCF(Water Pollution Control Federation)