Nonlinear PID Controller with Neural Network based Compensator

신경회로망 보상기를 갖는 비선형 PID 제어기

  • Lee, Chang-Gu (Dept.of Electronics Information Engineering, Engineering College, Chonbuk National University)
  • 이창구 (전북대 공대 전자정보공학부)
  • Published : 2000.05.01


In this paper, we present an nonlinear PID controller with network based compensator which consists of a conventional PID controller that controls the linear components and neuro-compensator that controls the output errors and nonlinear components. This controller is based on the Harris's concept where he explained that the adaptive controller consists of the PID control term and the disturbance compensating term. The resulting controller's architecture is also found to be very similar to that of Wang's controller. This controller adds a self-tuning ability to the existing PID controller without replacing it by compensating the output errors through the neuro-compensator. Various simulations and comparative studies have proven that the proposed nonlinear PID controller produces superior results to other existing PID controllers. When applied to an actual magnetic levitation system which is known to be very nonlinear, it has also produced an excellent results.



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