• Kim, Wan-Se (Department of Mathematics Hanyang University)
  • Published : 2000.09.01


The multiplicity if periodic sloutions of semilinear dissipative hyperbolic equations is treated



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  2. Annali Scu. Norm. Sup. Pisa v.4 Chacterization of range of some nonlinear operators and applications to boundary value problems H. Brezis;L. Nirenberg
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  5. Differential and Integral Equations v.1 no.1 A multiplicity result for periodic solutions of higher order orinary Differential equations S. H. Ding;J. Mawhin
  6. Bull. London Math. Soc. v.18 A multiplicity result for periodic solutions of forced nonlinear second order ordinary differential equations C. Fabry;J. Mawhin;M. Nkashama
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  17. Bull. KMS v.29 no.1 The asymptotic behavior of non-linear dissipative hyperbolic equations
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  23. Seminarire de mathematique, universite Catholique de Louvain Rapport no.54 Time periodic solutions of boundary value problems for nonlinear heat, telegraph and beam equations M. N. Nkashma;M. Willem
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