Supported by : BK21
- Computational differentiation-techniques, tools, and applications Berz. M.;Bischof, C.;Corliss. G.;Griewank, A.(eds.)
- Scientific Programming v.1 no.1 ADIFOR-generating derivative codes from FORTRAN 77 programs Bichof, C.;Carle, A.;Corliss, G.;Griewank, A.;Hovland, P.
- IEEE Computational Sci. & Engrg. v.3 no.3 The ADIFOR2.0 system for the automatic defferentiation of FORTRAN 77 programs Bischof, C.;Carle, A.;Khademi, P.;Mauer, A.
- ADIC-an extensible automatic differentiation tool for ANSI-C, Preprint ANL/MCS-P626-1196 Bischof, C.;Roh. L.;Mauer, A.
- Engineering Structures v.21 Multiobjective and Multilevel Optimization for Steel Frames Li, Gang (et al.)
- AIAA Journal v.31 no.7 Multiobjective Optimization of Large-Scale Structures Grandhi, R.V.;Bharatram, Geetha
- On automatic differentiation, Mathematical programming: recent developments and applications Griewank, A.;Norwell, A.L.(ed.)
- Automatic differentiation of algorithms thoery. implementation, and application Griewank. A.;Corliss, G.F.(eds.)
- ACM Trans. on Mathematical Software v.22 no.2 ADOL-C: a package for the automatic differentiation of algorithms written in C/C++ Griewank. A.;Juedes, D.;Utke, J.
- Journal of structural Mechanics v.12 An Improved Computational Approach for Multilevel Optimization Design Hafkta, R.T.
- ASCE Journal of the Structural Division v.101 no.ST4 Multilevel Approach to Optimum structural Design Kirsch, U.
- Tellus v.45a no.4 Automatic differentiation in ODYSSEE Roasting, N.;Dalmas, S.;Galligo, A.
- AIAA Journal v.8 no.5 Derivatives of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors Rogers, L.C.
- AIAA Journal v.30 no.3 Multiobjective Shape and Material Optimization of Composite Structure Including Damping Saravanos, D.A.;Chamis, C.C.
- ADOL-F: Automatic differentiation of FORTRAN codes, Computational differentiation-techniques, tools, and applications Shiriaev, D.;Griewank, A.
- AIAA Journal v.23 Structural Optimization by Multilevel Decomposition Sobieszczanski-Sobieski, J.;James, B.B.;Dovi, A.R.
- AIAA/ AS ME/ASCE/AHS 26th Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference Alternative Approximation Concepts for Space Frame Synthesis Lust, R.V.;Schmit, L.A.