- 지질학회지 v.31 울릉도의 중력 및 자력탐사연구 권병두;김규중;김성렬
- 지질학회지 v.32 중력 및 해저면지진계탐사 자료에 의한 울릉분지의 지각 구조 연구 박찬홍;김한준;양철수;석봉출;Isezaki, N.
- 선형 최소자승법을 이용한 선상중력자료의 교점오차 보정 이동윤
- 지구과학회지 v.17 선상중력계를 위한 육상 중력기점 전이 최광선;양철수;김정희
- 한반도 일원의 지구중력장의 정밀화와 GPS에 의한 3차원 측지좌표의 정밀결정, 한국과학재단 특정연구 최종보고서 최광선;양철수;김정희;한인우;박필호
- 國立天文部編 理科年表
- Optimal filtering Anderson, B.D.O.;Moore, J.B.
- On the possibility to estimate ocean bottom topography from marine gravity and sattellite altimeter data using collocation;Geodesy on the move Arabelos, D.;Forsberg, R.(ed.);Feissel, M.(ed.);Dietrich, R.(ed.)
- Marine gravity Dehlinger, P.
- DMA Technical Report TR 8350.2 Defence Mapping Agency
- Geophysics v.56 Ship navigation for geophysical applications using Kalman-Filtered GPS fixes Genrich, J.F.;Minster, J.B.
- Geophysics v.56 Near-real time reduction of shipboard gravity using Kalman-filtered GPS measurement Genrich, J.F.;Minster, J.B.
- A comparison of techniques for the integration of satellite altimeter and surface gravity data for geoid determination;Geodesy on the move Kirby, J.F.;Forsberg, R.;Forsberg, R.(ed.);Feissel, M.(ed.);Dietrich, R.(ed.)
- Geophysics v.38 Crosscorrelation method for evaluating and correcting shipboard gravity data LaCoste, L.J.B.
- Geophysics v.32 LaCoste and Romberg stabilized platform shipboard gravity meter LaCoste, L.J.B.;Clarkson, N.;Hamilton, G.
- Manual-Mosel-S Digital Marine Gravity Meter with Stabilized Platform LaCoste;Romberg Gravity Meters, Inc.
- Geophysics v.32 Quantitative evaluation of a stabilized plateform shipboard gravity meter Lafehr, T.R.;Nettleton, L.L.
- Advanced physical geodesy Moritz, H.
- Gravity and magnetics in oil prospecting Nettleton, L.L.
- Numerical recipes Press, W.H.;Teukolsky, S.A.;Verrerling, W.T.;Flannery, B.P.
- Geophysics v.49 A simple objective method for minimizing crossover errors in marine gravity data Prince, R.A.;Forsyth, D.W.
- JGR v.102 Marine gravity anomaly from Geosat and ERS 1 satellite altimetry Sandwell, D.T.;Smith, W.H.F.
- Satellite geodesy - foundations, methods, and applications Seeber, G.
- Geophysics v.57 A comparison of sattellite and shipboard gravity measurements in the Gulf of Mexico Small, C.;Sandwell, D.T.
- Geophys. Monograph of Am. Geophys. Union v.9 Some recent developments in gravity measurements aboard surface ships from gravity anomalies: unsurveyed areas Talwani, M.
- The publications of the international latitude observatory of Mizusawa v.16 A computer program for calculating the tide generating force Tamura, Y.
- JGR v.71 Cross-coupling and off-leveling errors in gravity measurements at sea Wall, R.E.;Talwani, M.;Worzel, J.L.
- JGR v.93 On the accuracy of marine gravity measurements Wessel, P.;Watts, A.B.