- 원색 한국버섯도감 이지열
- 원색도감 한국의 버섯 박완희
- 무우자갈버섯(Hebeloma crustulineforme)등 한국산 담자균류의 용혈활성에 관한 연구 양희정
- 한국균학회지 v.25 무우자갈버섯(Hebeloma crustulineforme)을 위한 한국산 담자균류 46종의 용혈활성검색 양희정;정수현;김진향;정경수
- Toxicon v.31 Toxin content, phallotoxin and amatoxin composition of Amanita phalloides tissues Enjalbert, F.;Gallion, C.;Jehl, F.;Monteil, H.
- Hoppe. Seylers. Z. Physiol. Chem. v.355 Isolation and toxicity of two cytolytic glycoproteins from Amanita phalloides mushrooms Faulstich, H.;Weckauf Bloching, M.
- BLV Handbuch, Pilze Gerhardt, E.
- Colored illustrations of fungi of Japan Imazeki, R.;Hongo, T.
- 日本のきのこ Imazeki, R.;Otani, Y.;Hongo, T.
- Annu. Rev. Pharmacol. Toxicol. v.19 Toxic fungi Lampe, K.F.
- The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mushrooms Lincoff, G.H.
- Simon & Schuster's Guide to mushrooms Pacioni, G.
- Arch. Toxicol. v.30 Presence of hemolysins in Amanita species Seeger, R.;Kraus, H.;Wiedmann, R.
- Naunyn. Schmiedebergs. Arch. Phamacol. v.287 Demonstration and isolation of phallolysin, a haemolytic toxin from Amanita phalloides Seeger, R.
- Naunyn. Schmiedebergs. Arch. Pharmacol. v.288 Some physico-chemical properties of phallolysin obstained from Amanita phalloides Seeger, R.
- Naunyn. Schmiedebergs. Arch. Phamacol. v.293 The Haemolytic effect of phallolysin Seeger, R.;Burkhardt, M.;Haupt, M.;Feulner, L.
- Naunyn. Schmiedebergs. Arch. Pharmacol. v.315 Degranulation of rat mast cells in vitro by the fungal cytolysins phallolysin, rubescenslysin and fascicularelysin Seeger, R.;Bunsen, E.
- Toxicon v.19 Toxic effects in mouse and rat of rubescenslysin from Amanita rubescens Seeger, R.;Odenthal, K.P.;Mengs, U.
- Eur. J. Cell. Biol. v.25 The mechanism of cytolysis of erythrocytes by the mushroom toxin phallolysin. Morphological and biochemical evidence for sodium influx and swelling Seitz, J.;Adler, G.;Stofft, E.;Faulstich, H.
- Toxicon v.28 Purification and some properties of a hemolysin from the poisonous mushroom Rhodophyllus rhodopolius Suzuki, K.;Une, T.;Yamazaki, M.;Takeda, T.
- CRC. Crit. Rev. Biochem. v.5 Amatoxins, phallolysin, and antamanide. The biologically active components of poisonous Amanita mushrooms Wieland, T.;Faulstich, H.