- First investigators meeting Office of Alternative Medicine
- New England Journal of Medicine v.328 Unconventional medicine in the United Status;Prevalance, Costs, and Patterns of Use Eisenberg, D.M.
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- An alternative medicine defenative guide to cancer John, Diamond W.
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- New England Journal of Medicine v.315 no.20 Serum Beta-Carotene, Vitamins A and E, Selenium, and the Risk of Lung Cancer Menkes, M.S.
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- Readiation Research v.16 Role of Free Radicals in Mutation, Cancer, and Aging, and the Maintenance of Life Harman, D.
- Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences v.355 Vitamin E and Selenium Protection from in Vivo Lipid Peroxidation Tappel, A.L.
- Advances in Cancer Research v.29 Role of Selenium in the Chemoprevention of Cancer Griffin, A.C.
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- Science v.179 Selenium: Biochemical Role as Component of Glutathione Perolidase Rotruck, J.T.
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- Lancet v.2 no.8668 Effect of Psychosocial Treatment on Survival of Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer Spiegel, D.
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- You Caa Conquer Cancer Gawler, I.
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- Voprosy Onkologii v.21 no.1 Experimental and Clinical Data of Antitumor Action of Hydrazine Sufate Seits, I.F.
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- Science v.221 Shark Cartilage Contains Inhibitors of Tumor Angiogenesis Langer, R.;Lee, A.
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- The Physio pathology of Cancer Homburger, L.;Fishman, W.H.
- Control for Cancer Kittler, G.
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- Lloydla v.39 Tumor Inhibitors.114.Aloe Emodin: Antileukemic Principle Isolated from Rhammus Frangula Kupchan, S.M.;Darim, A.
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- Rudolf Steiner and Holistic Medicine King, F.X.
- Oncology v.43 no.suppl. 1 Mistletoe Lectins and Their A and B Chains Franz, H.
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