Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science (한국약용작물학회지)
- Volume 8 Issue 4
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- Pages.373-377
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- 2000
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- 1225-9306(pISSN)
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- 2288-0186(eISSN)
Antioxidative Compounds in Leaves of Castanea crenata S. et Z.
밤나무 잎으로부터 항산화 활성물질의 분리
- Choi, Yong-Hwa (Dept. of Plant Resources, Sangju National University) ;
Kim, Jin-Ho
(Dept. of Plant Resources, Sangju National University) ;
Kim, Myong-Jo
(Division of Applied Plant Science, Kangwon National University) ;
Han, Seong-Soo
(Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, Wonkwang University) ;
Rim, Yo-Seob
(Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, Sunchon National University)
- 최용화 (상주대학교 식물자원학과) ;
(상주대학교 식물자원학과) ;
(강원대학교 식물응용과학부) ;
(원광대학교 농과대학 농화학과) ;
(순천대학교 농업생명과학대학)
- Published : 2000.12.31
Two antioxidative compounds in leaves of Castanea crenata were isolated by a bioassay using a DPPH free radical. They were identified as quercitrin, isoquercitrin on the basis of
밤나무(Castanea crenat)의 지상부를 대상으로 DPPH free radical 소거법을 이용하여 2종의 항산화 활성물질을 분리하였다. 분리된 활성물질은 NMR과 mass 분석에 의하여 quercitrin, isoquercitrin으로 밝혀졌다. 두 화합물의 DPPH free radical 소거법에 의한 항산화 활성