근접경호업무 수행을 위한 경호무도의 접근방법

Application of Martial Arts Method for the Detail Protection

  • 발행 : 1999.03.31


Protection martial arts are neither the ability to protect oneself nor the exercise to increase the personal record. Their aim is to protect clients for the sake of their safety, Therefore, it needs special training course distinguished form general martial arts. Those who perform the duty of protection should make efforts to master every skill capable of meeting any situations in which unforeseen accidents may occur. So the coaches of protection martial arts should teach their disciples basic techniques by stages according to each martial art. They also should teach them systematically how to deal with each accidental affair on the ground of protection method. With teaching the way to cope with a crisis coaches might make the disciples feel real by presenting the real situation of different events to which protection arts can be applicable. And a mock exercise with a careful plan and enough practices as well as a mental training to all evaluate the anxiety which might be shown on duty could be helpful for educating elite personnel who will perform the duty of protection completely.
