이동통신망에서의 셀 내 가입자 분포 분석

Spatial Distribution of Mobiles in Cellular Communication Network

  • 장희선 (천안외국어대학 사무자동화과) ;
  • 이광희 (한국전저통신연구원 기계경제연구부) ;
  • 윤상흠 (한국과학기술원 산업공학과)
  • 발행 : 1999.09.30


We present a simulation model to generate the spatial distribution of mobiles in cellular communication network. Three types of spatial distributions are considered; biased, random, and ratio-based distributions. This study also points out and corrects the critical errors performed by Das and Morgera(1997) in getting random location of mobiles. By applying a simple path loss model, the effects of our correction on the signal-to-interference(SIR) ratio are discussed. The numerical results indicate that the variation of SIR in the Das's biased distribution is larger than that of other distributions. As compared with the random distribution, the average SIR error of the biased distribution is 91.1%.
