An Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process to the Selection of the Membrane Systems of Waste Water Treatment

AHP를 이용한 폐수정화공정의 막기술 선정에 관한 연구

  • 홍순욱 (영동대학교 건설공학부) ;
  • 김강민 (성균관대학교 시스템경영공학부) ;
  • 김태현 (성균관대학교 시스템경영공학부) ;
  • 조근태 (한국보건산업진흥원 산업기술단)
  • Published : 1999.12.31


Recently, due to the primary emphasis of environmental problem, the proper selection of the membrane systems necessary for waste water treatment has been one of the critical issues in the industrial sector. This paper shows how an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) model can be used for assessing the performance of selected membrane systems: ultrafiltration, microfiltration, reverse osmosis, and electrodialysis essential for waste water treatments. The final results show that ultrafiltration is the most attractive membrane system to use in a water recycling system, followed by microfiltration, reverse osmosis and electrodialysis. This is consistent with the information that we found with respect to the elements that were taken into consideration. Sensitivity analysis is also provided here.
