단순진화 알고리듬을 위한 애플리케이션 프레임워크 개발

Development of an Application Framework for Simple Evolutionary Algorithms

  • 발행 : 1999.12.31


In evolutionary algorithm, there exist various models for the evolution of the population with respect to schemes and strategies for reproduction. In the application of the algorithm to a specific problem, one model suitable to the problem is to be properly chosen and a program expert or a software is needed to help implement and test a designed algorithm. In this study, the software for simple evolutionary algorithms(SEA) with one population is developed. The software is designed as an application framework type, so that it may be friendly, allow users to add some program, and operate under the environment of Windows. For this, hierarchical classes for components of SEA are first designed by means of an object-oriented approach and then a library for SEA is built by them. With the library, developed is an application framework that can generate a frame code for an application program. The software proposed here can be used as a generalized tool for solving problems in a wide range of domains.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 한국과학재단