Journal of Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology (치과방사선)
- Volume 29 Issue 1
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- Pages.261-274
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- 1999
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- 1225-049X(pISSN)
A Study on the Visual System of the Digital Periapical Images
디지털 치근단방사선영상에 관한 시각 특성 연구
- Choi Eun-Suk (Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, School of Dentistry, and Institute of Oral Bio Science, Chonbuk National University) ;
- Koh Kwang-Joon (Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, School of Dentistry, and Institute of Oral Bio Science, Chonbuk National University)
- Published : 1999.02.01
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the optimal distance and angle of observers by modulation transfer functions(MTFs) and receiver operating characteristics(ROCs), Material and Methods: Digital periapical radiograms were taken from 43 patients who have dental diseases(19 patients : dental caries. 12 patients : periapical lesions, 12 patients : periodontal diseases). Segmental images(4×4cm) were evaluated by 4 MTFs and ROC analysis. Results: The optimal distance(magnification) using MTF by Mannos & Sakrison was 12.97. and those by Nill. Ngan and Rao were 8.39, 4.78. 5.84 respectively. The optimal distance obtained from 4 radiologists by ROC analysis was 32cm(Az value: 0.89). and it was 40cm(Az value: 0.78) from 4 non-radiologists. There were significant differences of Az values between 4 radiologists and 4 non-radiologists at 24. 32 and 40cm (P<0.05). No significant differences of optimal distances were observed using 4 MTFs among +20, +10, 0, -10, -20 degrees(P>0.05). The optimal angle obtained from 4 radiologists by ROC analysis was +20 degree(Az value: 0.91). and no significant differences of Az values were observed among +20, +10, 0, -10 and -20 degrees(P>0.05). The optimal angle obtained from 4 non-radiologists by ROC analysis was 0 degree(Az value : 0.81). and no significant differences of Az values were observed among +20, +10, 0, -10 and -20 degrees(P>0.05). And there was significant difference of Az value between 4 radiologists and 4 non-radiologists at +20 degree(P<0.05). but no significant differences of Az values were observed among +10, 0, -10 and -20 degrees(P>0.05).