- Vet Rec v.125 Effects of prostaglandin on the reproductive performance of dairy cow Armstrong,J.D.;Gorman,J.O.;Roche,J.F.
- Vet Radiol Ultrasound v.36 Comparative evaluation of hydropic degeneration of the liver in dairy cattle through biochemistry, ultrasonography and digital analysis Acorda,J.A.;Yamada,H.;Ghamsari,S.M.
- Theriogenology v.39 Corpus luteum size and plasma progesterone levels in cattle after cloprostenol induced luteolysis Assey,R.J.;Purwantara,B.;Greve,T.;Hyttel,P.;Schmidt,M.H.
- Vet Rec v.123 Use of a high frequency transducer with real time B-mode ultrasound scanning to identify early pregnacy in cow Boyd,J.S.;Omran,S.N.;Ayliffe,T.R.
- Anim Reprod Sci v.12 The use of ultrasonography for the study of the bovine reproductive tract. I. Normal and pathological ovarian structures Edmonson,A.J.;Fissore,R.A.;Pashen,R.L.;Bondurant,R.H.
- J Reprod Fert v.62 Blood flow to the corpus luteum bearing ovary and ipsilateral uterine horn of cows during the oestrous cycle and early pregnancy Ford,S.P.;Chenault,J.R.
- Vet Rec v.121 Use of transrectal B-mode ultrasound imaging in bovine pregnacy diagnosis Hanzen,C.;Delsaux,B.
- Gynecol Obstet Invest v.43 Doppler ultrasound in a patient with ovarian brenner tumor of low malignant potential: comparison with gray-scale ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging and tumor maker suggesting malignancy Hata,K.;Hata,T.;Senoh,D.;Kitao,M.
- Theriogenology v.34 Effect of cloprostenol sodium and clenbuterol HCI on reproductive performance in postpartum anestrous cows Hu,Y.;Wright,M.D.;Dyer,R.M.;Nephew,K.P.;Bolze,P.P.;Day,M.L.
- Theriogenology v.29 Ultrasonic evaluation of the bovine conceptus Kastelic,J.P.;Curran,S.;Pierson,R.A.;Ginther,O.J.
- Theriogenology v.33 Relationship between ultrasonic assessment of the corpus luteum and plasma progesterone concentration in heifers Kastelic,J.P.;Bergfelt,D.R.;Ginther,O.J.
- Anim Reprod Sci v.23 Effect of day of prostaglandin F₂α treatment on selection and development of the ovulatory follicle in heifer Kastelic,J.P.;Knopf,L.;Ginther,O.J.
- Can Vet J v.32 Accuracy of rectal palpation and of a rapid milk progesterone enzyme immunoassay for determining the presence of a functional corpus luteum in subestrous dairy cows Kelton,D.F.;Leslie,K.E.;Etherington,W.G.;Bonett,B.N.;Walton,J.S.
- Compend Contin Educ Prac Vet (Suppl) v.19 Therapeutic uses of gonadotropin-releasing hormone Kesler,D.J.
- Theriogenology v.34 Effect of timing of prostaglandin F₂α injection subsequent to embryo collection on the resumption of normal follicular development following superovulatory treatment in cattle Lucy,M.C.;Macmillan,K.L.;Thatcher,W.W.;Drost,M.;Tan,H.S.
- J Vet Med Sci v.55 Effect of fenprostalene 14 days after fertirelin treatment on intervals from treatment to conception in cow with follicular cysts diagnosed by milk progesterone test Nakao,T.;Harada,A.;Kimura,M.;Takagi,H.;Kaneko,K.;Sugiyama,S.;Saito,A.;Moriyoshi,M.;Kawata,K.
- Theriogenology v.23 Ultrasonic evaluation of the corpus luteum of the mare Pierson,R.A.;Ginther,O.J.
- JAVMA v.190 Ultrasonographic appearance of the bovine uterus during the estrous cycle Pierson,R.A.;Ginther,O.J.
- Theriogenology v.29 Ultrasonic imaging of the ovaries and uterus in cattle Pierson,R.A.;Ginther,O.J.
- Radiology v.132 Gray-scale ultrasonography of hepatic amoebic abscesses Ralls,P.W.;Meyers,H.I.;Lapin,S.A.;Rogers,W.;Boswell,W.D.;Halls,J.
- Vet Rec v.135 Comparative evaluation of ovarian structures in cattle by palpation per rectum, ultrasonography and plasma progesterone concentration Ribadu,A.Y.;Ward,W.R.;Dobson,H.
- Radiology v.131 Gray-scale ultrasonic features of ovarian teratoma Sandler,M.A.;Sliver,T.M.;Karo,J.J.
- AJR v.134 Increased echogenicity of the spleen in benign and malignant disease Siler,J.;Hunter,T.B.;Weiss,J.;Haber,K.
- J Reprod Fertil v.109 Ultrasound image attributes of the bovine corpus luteum; structural and functional correlates Singh,J.;Pierson,R.A.;Adams,G.P.
- Reprod Dom Anim v.30 Relationship between ultrasonographic assessment of the corpus luteum area and milk progesterone concentration during the estrous cycle in cows Son,C.H.;Schwarzenberger,F.;Arbeiter,K.
- Theriogenology v.31 The predictive value, sensitivity and specificity of palpation per rectum and transrectal ultrasono-graphy for the determination of bovine luteal status Sprecher,D.J.;Nevel,R.J.;Whitman,S.S.
- Anim Reprod Sci v.20 Ultrasonic echogenicity of developing corpora lutea in pony mare Townson,D.H.;Ginther,O.J.
- Vet Radiol Ultrasound v.37 Evaluation of superficial digital tendinitis in racing horses through gray-scale histograms analysis of tendon ultrasonogram Tsukiyama,K.;Acorda,J.A.;Yamada,H.
- 전남대학교 대학원 박사학위논문 유우 난소질환의 진단 및 치료에 대한 호르몬분석과 초음파검사의 응용 강현구
- 한국임상수의학회지 v.15 초음파검사에 의한 소의 번식장애 감별진단 및 치료법 개발. I. 처녀젖소에서 발정주기의 16일째에 CIDR의 치료에 대한 난소구조물의 반응 강현구;中尾敏彦;강병규;최한선;손창호;서국현
- 대한수의학회지 v.35 젖소에서 발정주기중 초음파 진단장치로 측정된 황체의 크기와 progesterone 농도와의 관계 손창호;강병규;최한선
- 대한수의학회지 v.38 초음파진단장치를 이용한 축우의 번식효율증진에 관한 연구. Ⅱ. 무발정 젖소에서 초음파검사 및 progesterone 농도측정에 의한 난소구조물의 비교평가 손창호;강병규;최한선;강현구;백인석;서국현
- 한국임상수의학회지 v.15 초음파검사에 의한 소의 번식장애 감별진단 및 치료법의 개발. Ⅱ. 무발정우의 감별진단 손창호;강병규;최한선;강현구;오기석;서동호;서국현
- 대한수의학회지 v.36 초음파 진단장치를 이용한 축우의 번식효율증진에 관한 연구. Ⅰ. 무발정 젖소에서 기능성황체를 평가하기 위한 직장검사와 초음파검사의 진단정확성 손창호;강병규;최한선;강현구;오기석;신창록
- 한국임상수의학회지 v.12 젖소에서 prostaglandin F₂α 또는 fenprostalene 투여후 초음파 진단장치로 측정된 황체의 크기와 혈장 progesterone 농도와의 관계 손창호;강병규;최한선;강현구;김남기
- 대한수의학회지 v.37 개의 전립선에 있어서 경직장 초음파 검사법을 이용한 미만성 저에코영역의 성상 엄기동;성재기