- La Theorie Mathmaticque de la vie. G.F.Gause
- Mathematical Bioeconomics: The Optimal Management of Renewable Resources C.W.Clark
- J. Environ. Econ. Manage. v.12 Harvest policies and nonmarket valuation in a predatorprey system D.L.Ragozin;G.Brown
- J. Environ. Econ. Manage. v.13 Optimal recovery paths for perturbations of trophic level bioeconomic system J.Wilen;G.Brown
- Ecol. Model. v.32 A bioeconomic model of harvesting a multispecies fishery K.S.Chaudhuri
- Ecol. Model. v.41 Dynamic optimization of combined harvesting of a two-species fishery K.S.Chaudhuri
- Nat. Resour. Model. v.2 On the optimal policy for combined harvesting of independent species M.Mesterton-Gibbons
- Nat. Resour. Model. v.3 On the optimal policy for combined harvesting of predator and prey M.Mesterton-Gibbons
- Ecol. Model. v.92 A technique for finding optimal two-species harvesting polices M.Mesterton-Gibbons
- The struggle for existence G.F.Gause
- J. Anim. Ecol. v.39 Predation as a factor in the ecology of water bugs T.T.Macan
- J. Anim. Ecol. v.45 A twenty-one-year study of water bugs in a moorland fishpond T.T.Macan
- Ecol. Monogr. v.40 A predator-prey system in the marine intertidal region.Ⅰ. Balanns glandula and several predator species of Thias J.H.Connell
- Ecology v.59 Refuges, disturbance, and community structure: A marine soft-bottom example S.A.Woodin
- Ecology v.62 Disturbance and community structure in a shallow water and flat S.A.Woodin
- J. Biological Systems v.4 On the combined harvesting of a prey-predator system K.S.Chaudhuri;S.SahaRay
- Ecology v.77 Altered behaviour of parasitized killfish increases susceplibility to predation by bird final hosts K.D.Lafferty;A.K.Morris
- Helminth Abstr. v.36 Helminth diseases of fish H.H.Williams
- Parasites and diseases of fish cultured in the tropics Z.Kabata
- Ordinary Differential Equations G.Birkhoff;G.C.Rota
- Nonlinear Systems H.Khalil
- The Mathematical Theory of Optimal Processes L.S.Pontraygin;V.S.Bottyanskii;R.V.Gankrelidze;E.F.Mishchenko
- The Rate of Return and Optimal Fiscal Policy Public Investment K.J.Arrow;M.Kurz
- Epidemic Model, Their, Structure and Relation to Data How does infection transmission depend on polulation Size ? M.C.M.De Jong;O.Diekmann;J.A.P.Hecsterbeek;Mollison,D.(ed.)