Classificiation of Boundary Information for Non-manifold B-rep Solid Modeler

복합다양체 솔리드 표현을 위한 경계정보의 분류

  • 최국헌 (동서울대학 금형설계과) ;
  • 한순홍 (한국과학기술원 기계공학과)
  • Published : 1999.06.01


Existing data structures for non-manifold solid modelers use basic dat entities, such as vertex, edge, loop, face, shell, and region to find adjacency relationships. But, no one clearly identified what additional types of data entitles are necessary to represent incidence relationships. In this paper, we classified the boundary information of vertex, edge, face , and region from the 3-D space view. As the results we can clearly define the boundary information required for adjacency relationships. The existing B-rep data structures for solid modeler are compared whether they have the required boundary information.



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