- Computer Aided Geometric Design v.7 no.1-4 Fairing Bezier Curves with Constraints Nowacki, H.;Liu, D.;Lu. X.
- Computer Aided Geometric Design v.11 no.1 Fairing Composite Polynomial Curves with Constraints Nowacki, H.;Lu, X.
- Computer Aided Geometric Design v.12 no.1 Comvezity-pre-serving Interpolatory Parametric Splines of Non-uniform Polynomial degree Kaklis, P.D.;Sapidis, N.S.
Computer-Aided Design
Automatic Interpolation by Fair, Shape-perserving,
$G^2$ Space Curves Goodman, T.N.T.;Ong, B.H.;Sampoli, M.L. - The NURBS Book Piefl, L.;Tiller, W.
- Computer Aided Geometric Design v.4 no.1-2 Fairing cubic B-spline Curves Farin, G.;Rein, G.;Sapidis, N.S.;Worsely, A.J.
- Computer Aided Design v.22 no.2 Automatic Fairing Algorithm for B-spline Curves Sapidis, N.S.;Farin, G.
- Computer Aided Design v.28 no.12 Convexity preserving Fairing Pigounakis, K.G;Kaklis, P.D.
- Computer Aided Design v.21 no.8 Modifying the shape of rational B-splines Part 1:curves Piegl, L.
- Computer Aided Design v.27 no.2 Unified Approach to NURBS Curve Shape Modification Au, C.K;Yeun, M.M.F.
- Designing Fair Curves and Surfaces Measures of Fairness for Curves and Surfaces Rando, T.;Roulier, J.A.
- Computer Aided Geo-metric Design v.12 no.8 Smoothing Rational B-spline Curves Using the Weights in an Optimization Procedure Hohenberger, W.;Reuding, T.
- Computer Aided Geometric Design v.4 no.3 Automatic Smoothing with Geometric Surface Patches Hagen, H.;Schulze, G.
- Computer Aided Design v.30 no.2 Knor-removal Surface Fairing Using Search Strategies Hahmann, S.;Konz, S.
- Computer-Aided Design v.20 no.6 Smoothing Surfaces Using Reflection Lines for Families of Splines Kaufmann, E.;Klass, R.
- Computer-Aided Design v.20 no.10 Method for fairing B-spline Surfaces Litt, N.J.;Pullin, D.I.
- Computer Aided Geometric Design v.5 no.2 Surface Shape Control Using Constrained Optimization of the B-spline Representation Ferguson, D.R.;Frank, P.D.;Jones, A.K.
- Computer-Aided Design v.23 no.7 Designing Faired Parametric Surfaces Rando, T.;Rpulier, J.A.
- Computer Aided-Design v.25 no.7 Faring of Surfaces with Oprimization Techniques Using FANGA Curves as the Quality Criteria Liden, G.;Westberg, S.K.E.
- Computer-Aided Design v.29 no.11 The General B-spline Interpolation Method and its Application to the Modification of Curves and Surfaces Ishida, J.
- Computer Aided-Design v.30 no.8 Parametrically De formed Free-form Surfaces as Part of a Variation Model Guillet, S.;Leon, J.C.
- Computational Feometry for Design and Manugacture Faux, I.D.;Pratt, M. J.
- Designing Fair Curves and Surfaces Automatic Fairing of Point Sets Eck, M.;Jaspert, R.
- Differenzengeometrie Sauer, R.