Analytic and Discrete Fairing of 3D NURBS Curves

3D NURBS 곡선의 해석적 및 이산적 순정

  • 홍충성 (홍익대학교 산업공학과) ;
  • 홍석용 (홍익대학교 산업공학과) ;
  • 이현찬 (홍익대학교 정보산업공학과)
  • Published : 1999.06.01


For reverse engineering, curves and surfaces are modeled for new products by interpolating the digitized data points. But there are many measuring or deviation errors. Therefore, it is important to handle errors during the curve or surface modeling. If the errors are ignored, designer could get undesirable results. For this reason, fairing procedure with the aesthetics criteria is necessary in computer modeling. This paper presents methods of 3D NURBS curve fairing. The techniques are based on automatic repositioning of the digitized dat points or the NURBS curve control points by a constrained nonlinear optimization algorithm. The objective function is derived variously by derived curved. Constraints are distance measures between the original and the modified digitized data points. Changes I curve shape are analyzed by illustrations of curve shapes, and continuous plotting of curvature and torsion.



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  2. Computer Aided Geometric Design v.11 no.1 Fairing Composite Polynomial Curves with Constraints Nowacki, H.;Lu, X.
  3. Computer Aided Geometric Design v.12 no.1 Comvezity-pre-serving Interpolatory Parametric Splines of Non-uniform Polynomial degree Kaklis, P.D.;Sapidis, N.S.
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  6. Computer Aided Geometric Design v.4 no.1-2 Fairing cubic B-spline Curves Farin, G.;Rein, G.;Sapidis, N.S.;Worsely, A.J.
  7. Computer Aided Design v.22 no.2 Automatic Fairing Algorithm for B-spline Curves Sapidis, N.S.;Farin, G.
  8. Computer Aided Design v.28 no.12 Convexity preserving Fairing Pigounakis, K.G;Kaklis, P.D.
  9. Computer Aided Design v.21 no.8 Modifying the shape of rational B-splines Part 1:curves Piegl, L.
  10. Computer Aided Design v.27 no.2 Unified Approach to NURBS Curve Shape Modification Au, C.K;Yeun, M.M.F.
  11. Designing Fair Curves and Surfaces Measures of Fairness for Curves and Surfaces Rando, T.;Roulier, J.A.
  12. Computer Aided Geo-metric Design v.12 no.8 Smoothing Rational B-spline Curves Using the Weights in an Optimization Procedure Hohenberger, W.;Reuding, T.
  13. Computer Aided Geometric Design v.4 no.3 Automatic Smoothing with Geometric Surface Patches Hagen, H.;Schulze, G.
  14. Computer Aided Design v.30 no.2 Knor-removal Surface Fairing Using Search Strategies Hahmann, S.;Konz, S.
  15. Computer-Aided Design v.20 no.6 Smoothing Surfaces Using Reflection Lines for Families of Splines Kaufmann, E.;Klass, R.
  16. Computer-Aided Design v.20 no.10 Method for fairing B-spline Surfaces Litt, N.J.;Pullin, D.I.
  17. Computer Aided Geometric Design v.5 no.2 Surface Shape Control Using Constrained Optimization of the B-spline Representation Ferguson, D.R.;Frank, P.D.;Jones, A.K.
  18. Computer-Aided Design v.23 no.7 Designing Faired Parametric Surfaces Rando, T.;Rpulier, J.A.
  19. Computer Aided-Design v.25 no.7 Faring of Surfaces with Oprimization Techniques Using FANGA Curves as the Quality Criteria Liden, G.;Westberg, S.K.E.
  20. Computer-Aided Design v.29 no.11 The General B-spline Interpolation Method and its Application to the Modification of Curves and Surfaces Ishida, J.
  21. Computer Aided-Design v.30 no.8 Parametrically De formed Free-form Surfaces as Part of a Variation Model Guillet, S.;Leon, J.C.
  22. Computational Feometry for Design and Manugacture Faux, I.D.;Pratt, M. J.
  23. Designing Fair Curves and Surfaces Automatic Fairing of Point Sets Eck, M.;Jaspert, R.
  24. Differenzengeometrie Sauer, R.