- Clustering Analysis for Applications M.R. Anderberg
- Pattern Classification and Scene Analysis R.O. Duda;P.E. Hart
- Measure Theory P.R. Halmos
- Probability Theory I.(4th. ed) M. Loeve
- Principles of Digital Communication and Coding A.J. Viterbi;J.K. Omura
- Estimation of Dependences Based on Empirical Data V. Vapnik
- Neurcomputing R. Hecht-Nielsen
- Vector Quantization and Signal Compression A. Gersho;R.M. Gray
- Fundamentals of Speech Recognition L.R. Rabiner;B.-H. Juang
- Probability and Measure(3rd ed.) P. Billingsley
- Technometrics v.4 On the generation of normal random vectors E.M. Scheuer;D.S. Stoller
- IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory v.IT-25 no.4 Asymptotically optimal block quantization A. Gersho
- IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory v.IT-28 no.2 Asymptotic quantization error of continuous signals and the quantization dimension P. Zador
- IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory v.IT-28 no.2 Voronoi regions of lattices, second moments of polytopes, and quantization J.H. Conway;N.J.A. Sloane
- IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory v.IT-28 no.2 Multidimensional asymptotic quantization theory with rth power distortion measures J.A. Bucklew;G.L. Wise
- IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory v.IT-28 no.6 On the existence of optimal quantizers E.F. Abaya;G.L. Wise
- SIAM J. Alg. Discrete Methods v.4 no.1 The optimal lattice quantizer in three dimensions E.S. Barnes;N.J.A. Sloane
- SIAM J. Alg. Discrete Methods v.5 no.3 On the voronoi regions of certain lattices J.H. Conway;N.J.A. Sloane
- SIAM J. Appl. Math. v.44 no.1 Convergence of vector quantizers with applications to optimal quantization E.A. Abaya;G.L. Wise
- IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory v.IT-31 no.1 A lower bound on the average error of vector quantizers J.H. Conway;N.J.A. Sloane
- IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory v.IT-33 Robust source coding of weakly compact classes D.L. Neuhoff;R. Garcia-Munoz
- Proc. IEEE v.78 no.9 The self-organizing map T. Kohonen
- IEEE Trans. Commun. v.COM-39 no.4 Image vector quantizer based on a classification in the DCT domain D.S. Kim;S.U. Lee
- Ph.D. dissertation. Dep. of Control and Instrumentation, Seoul National Univ. Performance of vector quantizers and its relation to training-set size D.S. Kim
- IEEE Trans. Image Processing v.IP-6 no.3 On testing trained vector quantizer codebooks D.S. Kim;T. Kim;S.U. Lee
- Tech. Rep. TR-ECE 98-6 Bounds for the trained vector quantizer distortion measured in training data D.S. Kim;M.R. Bell
- IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory Quantization basedd on a novel sample-adaptive product quantizer (SAPQ) D.S. Kim;N.B. Shroff