A New Compensated Criterion in Testing Trained Codebooks

  • Kim, Dong-Sik (School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, U. S. A. Regular Member)
  • Published : 1999.07.01


In designing the quantizer of a coding scheme using a training sequence (TS), the training algorithm tries to find a quantizer that minimizes the distortion measured in the TS. In order to evaluate the trained quantizer or compare the coding scheme, we can observe the minimized distortion. However, the minimized distortion is a biased estimate of the minimal distortion for the input distribution. Hence, we could often overestimate a quantizer or make a wrong comparison even if we use a validating sequence. In this paper, by compensating the minimized distortion for the TS, a new estimate is proposed. Compensating term is a function of the training ratio, the TS size to the codebook size. Several numerical results are also introduced for the proposed estimate.



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