CAD 수단을 이용한 벡터형 공간자료의 위상 검출과 격자도면화를 위한 유틸리티 개발

Development of a CAD-based Utility for Topological Identification and Rasterized Mapping from Polygonal Vector Data

  • 조동범 (전남대학교 조경학과) ;
  • 임재현 (전남대학교 대학원 조경학과)
  • 발행 : 1999.12.01


The purpose of this study is to develope a CAD-based tool for rasterization of polygonal vector map in AutoCAD. To identity the layer property of polygonal entity with user-defined coordinates as topology, algorithm in processing entity data of selection set that intersected with scan line was used, and the layers were extracted sequentially by sorted intersecting points in data-list. In addition to the functions for querying and modifying topology, two options for mapping were set up to construct plan projection type and to change meshes' properties in existing DTM data. In case of plan projection type, user-defined cell size of 3DFACE mesh is available for more detailed edge, and topological draping on landform can be executed in case of referring DTM data as an AutoCAD's drawing. The concept of algorithm was simple and clear, but some unexpectable errors were found in detecting intersected coordinates that were AutoCAD's error, not the utility's. Also, the routines to check these errors were included in algorithmic processing. Developed utility named MESHMAP was written in entity data control functions of AutoLISP language and dialog control language(DCL) for the purpose of user-oriented interactive usage. MESHMAP was proved to be more effective in data handling and time comparing with GRIDMAP module in LANDCADD which has similar function.



  1. 한국조경학회지 v.20 no.3 적지분석을 위한 마이크로 컴퓨터 CAD용 소프트웨어의 활용기법에 관한 연구 김성균
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  9. Quadrangle & Earthworks. In LANDCADD R12. Reference Manual. : B-3 LANDCADD International
  10. Computer-Aided Design v.19 no.4 Terrain modelling in surveying and civil engineering Petrie, G.;T. J. M. Kennie
  11. Computer-Aided Design v.28 no.4 Visual analysis: a new probabilistic technique to determine landscape visibility Sansoni, C.