신체구성성분, 영양상태 및 월경기능이 여자체조선수의 골밀도에 미치는 영향(제2보)

The Influence of Diet, Body Fat, Menstrual Function, and Activity upon the Bone Density of Female Gymnasts

  • 우순임 (서울여자대학교 자연과학대학 영양학과)
  • 발행 : 1999.01.01


This study was conducted with 20 female gymnasts and 23 age-matched controls to examine the relationship of diet, menstrual function and bone mineral density (BMD). The results obtained are summarized as follows : Energy intake of gymnasts was 968.9$\pm$421.4kcal, and energy expenditure was 2091.4$\pm$361kcal showing negative energy balance(-1,122.5$\pm$534.6kcal). The average intakes of calcium, iron, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin and niacin did not meet the Recommended Dietary Allowances for their age groups. Mean age at menarche in gymnasts is 15.8$\pm$1.2 years compared with 11.8$\pm$2.8 years in age-matched controls. The profile of estradiol, progesterone, and luteinizing hormone was lower than age-matched controls but not significant. Athletic amenorrheic gymnasts(n=12) have the menstrual irregularity(n=10) and amenorrhea(n=2). A number of variables as such nutritional deficiency in diet, negative energy blasnce and hypogonadotropic hormonal status were included. The bone mineral density (BMD) of female gymnasts were significantly higher than controls for the lumbar neck(p<0.001), trochanter(p<0.01), and Ward's triangle(p<0.001), but there were no significant differences for the lumbar spine and forearm. The lumbar spine BMD had a positive correlation with age and lean body weight. The femoral neck BMD was significantly associated with age, group and lean body mass. The trochanter BMD had significant relationship with group, body mass index, energy expenditure and follicular stimulating hormone. Ward's triangle BMD were related to body mass index and follicular stimulating hormone. The significant association was deterced between forearm BMD and age and lean body weight. The major finding of this investigation is that the BMD of gymnasts were higher than age-matched controls despite the fact that gymnasts as a group had inadequate dietary calcium and a higher propensity to have an interruption of their menstrual cycle. These data indicate that grymnsts involved in sports producing significant impact loading on the skeleton had greater femoral neck, trochanter and Ward's triangle bone density than age-matched controls.



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