병원공간의 색채환경 실태에 관한 연구 -설계에 따른 마감재에 한해서-

A Study on the Present Color Plan of Environment in the space the Hospitals

  • 최승희 (정회원, 우석대 건축공학과) ;
  • 윤갑근 (정회원, 조선대 디자인학부 실내디자인)
  • 발행 : 1999.06.01


The color planning in the hospital could influence the patient's improvement and lead the users from room to room. This study shows the data of present colors used in the hospitals. In order to get the data, we surveyed and analyzed the current color usages of the present interior of hospitals by the individual data from the projectors. The color scheme is analyzed by the rooms which are the common room, the ward, and the examination room along the projectors. It is also analyzed by the finishes of the hospitals, and is addressed to the present color scheme by the means of the hue value, and chroma. The color scheme in the interior design of hospital is an important factor for the hospital users. It has to more sincerely considered to use colors effectively in the hospital interior since people use their organ of vision greatly when they sense things. According to the data, this study is proposed to the effective color plan which is considered psychologically and emotionally about the human activities, in the interior design of hospitals for the future.



  1. 색깔로 나를 바꾼다 배은우
  2. 색채조형의 기초 박은주
  3. 이화여대대학원 석사논문 색채계획의 환경디자인적 접근방법 유은미
  4. 병원+디자인 임철우;윤종숙
  5. 서해대학 논문집 v.15 병원실내환경의 색채계획 접근방법에 관한 연구 최승희
  6. 대한건축학회논문집 v.13 no.4 병원실내의 Wayfinding 효과를 위한 색채계획 접근방법 최승희(외)
  7. Proceeding of the AIC Symposium Experience of Rooms with Different Coloring and Lighting Anders Hard;Maria Kowalska
  8. Was Farben uns verraten(What color Tells us) Beer, Ulrich
  9. Color, Environment, and Human Response Frank H Manke