고속회전 원형 톱의 불안정 현상

Unstable Phenomenon of High-Speed Rotating Circular Saws

  • 임경화 (한국기술교육대학교 제어기계공학과) ;
  • ;
  • C. D. Mote, Jr. (University of Maryland)
  • 발행 : 1999.12.01


This paper presents schematic process of identifying the principal cause to make the vibration problem of rotating circular saws. In the tandem pencil slat saw lines, feeding of cedar blocks is often stopped because excessive motro current is required in a saw motor. These events are called "kick-offs" in technical reports. Research on saw behavior at kick-offs is required to understand are reduce the frequency and severity of kick-offs events. This research aims at finding out the principal cause of kick-offs, and evloving design improvements for high cutting performance with fewer and less severe kick-offs. Measurements of critical speed, cutting force, cutting temeprature and dynamic displacements are carried out to observe the instability mechanism and also to obtain saw design parameters for the numerical analyses. And the numerical analyses involving FEM and multiple scale method are utilized to show the possibility of the principal cause.pal cause.



  1. Transactions of the ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry v.87 Free Vibration of Initially Stressed Circular Disks Mote,C.D.(Jr.)
  2. Journal of Sound and Vibration v.166 no.2 Free Vibration of Outer-Clamped Annular Plates Subject to Arbitrary In-Plane Force 임경화;이종원
  3. Technical Report of California Cedar Products Company Saw Behavior Leading to Excessive Runout and Removal McKenzie,W.M.
  4. Int. J. Mech. Sci. v.19 Stability of Stationary and Rotating Discs under Edge Load Radcliffe Clark,J.;Mote,C.D.(Jr.)
  5. Ph. D. thesis. Rotating Disc Stability Spectral Analysis and Thermal Effects Neih,L.T.
  6. Int. J. Solids Structures v.29 no.8 Parametric Excitation under Multiple Excitation Parameters: Asymmetric Plates under a Rotating Spring Shen,I.Y.;Mote,C.D.(Jr.)
  7. J. of Mechanical Engineering Science v.208 Parametric Resonances at Subcritical Speeds in Discs with Rotating Frictional Loads Chan,S.M.;Mottershead,J.E.;Cartmell,M.P.
  8. Technical Report of California Cedar Products Company Monitoring and Preventing the Kick-off during Cutting Ahn,T.K.;Mote,C.D.(Jr.)
  9. 대한기계학회지 v.16 no.1 웨이퍼 가공기의 진동해석 및 실험적 검증 김명업;임경화;이종원