구조물 동특성 변경 관련 연구 분야 및 동향 (IV)

  • 박윤식 (한국과학기술원 기계공학과 소음 및 진동제어 연구센터) ;
  • 박용화 (한국과학기술원 기계공학과 소음 및 진동제어 연구센터)
  • 발행 : 1999.12.01




  1. Inverse Problems in Vibration Gladwell,G.M.L.
  2. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications v.123 Inverse Eigenvalue Problems for Damped Vibrating Systems Lancaster,P.;Maroulas,J.
  3. Transactions of the ASME v.114 A Symmetric Inverse Vibration Problem Starek,L.;Inman,D.J.;Kress,A.
  4. Transactions of the ASME v.61 An Inverse Mode Problem for the Continuous Model of an Axially Vibrating Rod Ram,Y.M.
  5. Journal of Sound and Vibration v.163 no.1 On the Construction of an Euler-Bernoulli Beam From Spectral Data Lowe,B.D.
  6. Journal of Sound and Vibration v.169 no.2 Inverse Mode Problems for the Discrete Model of a Vibrating Beam Ram,Y.M.
  7. IMAC The Construction of Physical Models From Eigendata Ram,Y.M.
  8. IMAC Identification of Physical Parameters of Vibration System by Means of Solving Inverse Eigenvalue Problems Jianbo,Z.;Zhongyi,C.
  9. IMAC Inverse Eigenvalue Problem for Beam and Vibration Design Deng,Z.;Zhou,C.
  10. Journal of Sound and Vibration v.169 no.2 Constructing a Finite Element Model of a Vibratory Rod from Eigendata Ram,Y.M.;Gladwell,G.M.L.
  11. Journal of Sound and Vibration v.181 no.4 The Construction of Band Symmetric Models for Vibratory Systems from Modal Analysis Data Ram,Y.M.;Elhay,S.
  12. Journal of Applied Mechanics v.58 An Inverse Problem Associated with Modification of Incomplete Dynamic Systems Ram,Y.M.;Braun,S.G.
  13. IMAC Identification of Physical Mass, Stiffness and Damping Matrices Using Pseudo-Inverse Luk,Y.W.
  14. AIAA Journal v.9 no.8 Theory of Incomplete Models of Dynamic Structures Berman,A.;Flannelly,W.G.
  15. AIAA Journal, Technical Notes v.35 no.11 Modal Data Are Insufficient for Identification of Both Mass and Stiffness Matrices Baruch,M.
  16. IMAC Non-unique Structural System Identification Berman,A.
  17. AIAA Journal v.22 no.12 Application of the Generalized Inverse in Structural System Identification Chen,S.Y.;Fuh,J.S.
  18. IMAC System Modeling and Modification via Modal Analysis Luk,Y.W.
  19. IMAC Identification of Physical System Matrices Using Incomplete Vibration Test Data Link,M.
  20. IMAC Mass, Stiffness, and Damping Matrix Estimates from Structural Measurements Shye,K.;Richardson,M.
  21. IMAC An Alternative Approach to Modeling of Structures Using Dynamic Stiffness Matrices Yang,K.T.;Kim,H.S.
  22. IMAC A Spatial Model Identification by Using FRF Data Balis Crema,L.;Mastroddi,F.;Benedetti,L.
  23. Transactions of the ASME v.118 Estimation of Mass, Stiffness and Damping Matrices from Frequency Response Functions Chen,S.Y.;Ju,M.S.;Tsuei,Y.G.
  24. Journal of Vibration, Acoustics, Stress and Reliability in Design v.110 Identification of a Positive Definite Mass Matrix Mottershead,J.E.;Tee,T.K.;Lees,A.W.
  25. AIAA Journal v.33 no.8 Minimal-Order Experimental Component Mode Synthesis : New Results and Challenges Alvin,K.E.;Peterson,L.D.;Park,K.C.
  26. AIAA Journal v.32 no.2 Second-Order Structural Identification Procedure via State-Space-Based System Identification Alvin,K.F.;Park,K.C.
  27. Journal of Vibration, Acoustics, Stress, and Reliability in Design v.108 Identification of Mass, Damping, and Stiffness Matrices of Mechanical Systems Fritzen,C.P.
  28. Transaction of the ASME v.114 Mass, Stiffness, and Damping Matrix Identification : An Integrated Approach Roemer,M.J.;Mook,D.J.
  29. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics v.116 Frequency Domain State-Space System Identification Chen,C.W.;Juang,J.N.;Lee,G.
  30. IMAC Complete Identification of Physical Parameters of Linear Structure Part 1 Li,K.;Xu,Z.
  31. IMAC 1998 A Survey of Damping Matrix Identification Pilkey,D.F.;Inman,D.J.
  32. AIAA Journal v.29 no.1 Closed Form Solution for Minimum Weight Design with a Frequency Constraint Wang,B.P.
  33. Journal of Sound and Vibration v.62 no.3 Minimum Weight Design of Beams In Torsional Vibration With Several Frequency Constraints Elwany,M.H.S.;Barr,A.D.S.
  34. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications v.11 no.6 Technical Note On Optimal Design of Vibrating Structures Brach,R.M.
  35. Journal of Optimization theory and Applications v.19 no.3 A Steepest-Descent Method for Optimization of Mechanical Systems Haug,E.J.;Arora,J.S.;Matsut,K.
  36. Nonlinear Programming : Theory and Algorithms.(second edition.See) Bazara,M.S.;Sherali,H.D.;Shetty,C.M.
  37. AIAA Journal v.22 no.6 Structural Optimization by Mathematical Programming Methods Arora,J.S.;Belegundu,A.D.
  38. Natural modes of modified structure v.23 no.11 Baldwin,J.F.;Hutton,S.G.
  39. AIAA Journal v.21 no.9 Nonlinear Inverse Perturbation Method in Dynamic Analysis Kim,K.O.;Anderson,W.J.;Sandstrom,R.E.
  40. AIAA Journal v.22 no.9 Inverse Perturbation Method for Structural Redesign with Frequency and Mode Shape Constraints Hoff,C.J.;Bernitsas,M.M.;Sandstrim,R.E.;Anderson,W.L.
  41. AIAA Journal v.29 no.1 Admissible Large Perturbations in Structural Redesign Bernitsas,M.;Kang,B.S.
  42. AIAA Journal v.30 no.7 Frequency Modification using Newton's Method and Inverse Iteration Eigenvector Updating Smith,M.J.;Hutton,S.G.
  43. Journal of Applied Mechanics v.61 A Perturbation Method for Inverse Frequency Modification of Discrete, Undamped Systems Smith,M.J.;Hutton,S.G.
  44. IMAC Calculation of Modal Parameter Sensitivities Based on a Finite Element Proportionality Assumption Zeischska,H.;Storrer,O.
  45. Journal of Modal Analysis Structural Dynamic Optimization Using Reanalysis Techniques Wang,B.P.
  46. IMAC Optimization of Structural Redesign with Dynamic Constraints Wang,W.;Zhang,Q.
  47. AIAA Journal v.25 no.3 A Modular Approach for Three-Dimensional Shape Optimization of Structures Yang,R.J.;Botkin,M.
  48. IMAC Design Optimization of Vehicle Structures for Idle Shake Vibration Yim,H.;Lee,S.B.
  49. IMAC Application of the Model and Sensitive on the Automobile Huang,S.L.;Chen,L.M.
  50. AIAA Journal v.30 no.2 Identification of Flexible Joints in Vehicle Structures Lee,K.;Nikolaidis,E.
  51. IMAC On the Relation Between the Stiffness of a Car body and NVH Abe,K.;Kojima,S.;Itabashi,T.;Isono,T.;Habara
  52. Structural Optimization v.5 Experimental Validation of the Utility of Structural Optimization Adelman,H.M.
  53. AIAA Journal, Technical Notes v.31 no.4 Eigenvalue Sensitivity with Respect to Location of Internal Stiffness and Mass Attachments Wang,B.P.
  54. AIAA Journal, Technical Notes v.34 no.4 New Method for Deriving Eigenvalue Rate with Respect to Support Location Liu,Z.S.;Hu,H.C.
  55. Journal of Sound and Vibration v.213 no.5 Optimal Support Positions for a Structure to Maximize Its Fundamental Natural Frequency Won,K.M.;Park,Y.S.
  56. AIAA Journal v.26 no.2 Shape Design Sensitivity Analysis of Dynamic Structures Meric,R.A.
  57. International Journal For Numerical Methods In Engineering v.35 Configuration Design Sensitivity Analysis of Built-up Structures Twu,S.L.;Choi,K.K.
  58. AIAA Journal v.32 no.10 Continuum Approach for Second-Order Shape Design Sensitivity of Three-Dimensional Elastic Solids Chen,C.J.;Choi,K.K.
  59. Computers & Structures v.44 no.3 Boundary Element Perturbation For Shape Design : Sensitivity Analysis of Vibration Modes Liu,H.B.;Chen,S.H.;Wang,J.L.
  60. JSME International Journal, Series A. v.34 no.1 Optimum Shape Design of Structures under Uncertain Loading by Boundary Element Method Tada,Y.;Matsumoto,R.;Imamura,O.
  61. AIAA Journal v.32 no.6 Three-Dimensional Shape Optimization Using the Boundary Element Method Yamazki,K.;Sakamato,J.;Kitano,M.
  62. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering v.44 Shape Optimal Design Using B-Splines Braibant,V.;Fleury,C.
  63. AIAA Journal v.31 no.12 Optimization of Boundary Conditions for Maximum Fundamental Frequency of Vibrating Structures Son,J.H.;Kwak,B.M.
  64. Transactions of the ASME v.118 A Shape Optimization Method Based on Implicit Differentiation and Node Removal Techniques Shim,P.Y.;Manoochehri,S.
  65. International Journal For Numerical Methods In Engineering v.23 Dynamic Optimization of Framed Structures with Variable Layout Sadek,E.A.
  66. Computers & Structures v.2 On the Optimal Layout of Multi-Purpose Trusses Penersen,P.
  67. JSME International Journal Series Ⅰ. v.33 no.1 A Proposal of a Shape-Optimization Method Using a Constitutive Equation of Growth (In the Case of a Static Elastic Body) Azegami,H.
  68. Journal of Mechanical Design v.118 Structural Optimization by Density Distribution for Maximization of Natural Frequency Kawabe,Y.;Yoshida,S.
  69. AIAA Journal v.31 no.11 Shape Optimization by Using Simulated Biological Growth Approaches Chen,J.L.;Tsai,W.C.
  70. AIAA Journal v.35 no.2 Structural Reanalysis for General Layout Modification Kirsch,U.;Liu,S.
  71. Transactions of the ASME v.118 Synthesis of Optimal Shape and Topology of Structures Kumar,A.V.;Gossard,D.C.
  72. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering v.71 Generating Optimal Topologies in Structural Design Using a Homogenization Method Bendsoe,M.P.;Kikuchi,N.
  73. Trans of The ASME. Journal of Applied Mechanics v.62 Cheng,H.C., and Hagiwara I., Topological Optimization Technique for Free Vibration Problems Ma,Z.D.;Kikuchi,N.
  74. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering v.35 Solutions to Shape and Topology Eigenvalue Optimization Problems Using a Homogenization Method Diaz,A.R.;Kikuchi,N.
  75. Journal of Mechanical Design v.115 On Optimum Truss Layout by a Homogenization Method Diaz,A.R.;Belding,B.
  76. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering v.83 Pre-Processing and Post-processing for Materials Based on the Homogenization Method with Adaptive Finite Element Methods Guedes,J.M.;Kikuchi,N.
  77. AIAA Journal v.33 no.11 Variable-Complexity Genetic Algorithm for Topological Design Gage,P.J.;Kroo,I.M.;Sobieski,I.P.
  78. Journal of Mechanical Design v.118 Genetic Algorithm-Based Structural Topology Design with Compliance and Topology Simplification Considerations Chapman,C.D.;Jakiela,M.J.
  79. Transactions of the ASME v.117 Optimally Directed Truss Topology Generation Using Shape Annealing Reddy,G.M.;Cagan,J.
  80. Journal of Mechanical Design v.117 An Improved Shape Annealing Algorithm for Truss Topology Generation Reddy,G.;Cagan,J.
  81. Computer & Structures v.24 no.6 Shape Optimization of Structures : A Literature Survey Ding,Y.
  82. Computer Methods In Applied Mechanics and Engineering v.57 Structural Shape Optimization-A Survey Haftka,R.T.;Grandhi,R.V.
  83. AIAA Journal v.17 no.8 Comment on Optimal Weighted Orthogonalization of Measured Modes Berman,A.
  84. AIAA Journal v.18 no.9 Improved Orthogonality Check for Measured Modes Berman,A.
  85. AIAA Journal v.17 no.10 Mass Matrix Correction Using an Incomplete Set of Measured Modes Berman,A.
  86. AIAA Journal v.21 no.8 Improvement of a Large Analytical Model Using Test Data Berman,A.;E.J.Nagy
  87. AIAA Journal v.24 Comment on Stiffness Matrix Adjustment Using Mode Data Fuh,J.S.;Berman,A.
  88. IMAC Validity of Improved Mathematical Models, A Commentary Berman,A.
  89. AIAA Journal v.22 no.4 Methods of Reference Basis for Identification of Linear Dynamic Structures Baruch,M.
  90. AIAA Journal v.16 no.4 Optimal Weighted Orthogonalization of Measured Modes Baruch,M.;Itzhack,I.Y.B.
  91. AIAA Journal v.16 no.11 Optimization Procedure to Correct Stiffness and Flexibility Matrices Using Vibration Tests Baruch,M.
  92. AIAA Journal v.20 no.3 Correction of Stiffness Matrix Using Vibration Tests Baruch,M.
  93. AIAA Journal v.18 no.6 Analytical Model Improvement Using Modal Test Results Chen,J.C.;Garba,J.A.
  94. AIAA Journal v.26 no.1 Optimum Approximation for Residual Stiffness in Linear System Identification Kammer,D.C.
  95. IMAC Optimization of Mass and Stiffness Matrices Using A Generalized Inverse Technique using the Measured Models O'Callahan,J.C.;Leung,R.K.
  96. IMAC Error Location and Updating of Analytical Dynamic Models Using a Force Balance Method Fissette,E.;Ibrahim,S.
  97. IMAC Error Location and Updating of Finite Element Models Using Singular Value Decomposition Lieven,N.A.J.;D.J.Ewins
  98. IMAC Identification of Differences Between Finite Element Analysis and Experimental Vibration Data Lawrence,C.
  99. IMAC Localiation of Model Changes For Optimized System Matrices Using Modal Test Data O'Callahan,J.C.;Chou,C.M.
  100. IMAC Correcting Finite Element Models With Measured Modal Results Using Eigenstructure Assignment Methods Minas,C.;Inman Daniel,J.
  101. Trans. of the ASME v.112 Matching Finite Element Models to Modal Data Minas,C.;Inman,D.J.
  102. Journal of Sound and Vibration v.178 no.1 Model Updating Using Constrained Eigenstructure Assignment Schulz,M.J.;Inman,D.J.
  103. AIAA Journal v.28 no.9 Correcting Finite Element Models Using a Symmetric Eigenstructures Assignment Technique Zimmerman,D.C.;Widengren,M.
  104. IEEE Trans, On Aerospace and Electronic Systems v.Aes-19 no.5 Eigenstructure Assignment for Linear Systems Andry,A.N.(Jr.);Shapiro,E.Y.;Chung,J.C.
  105. IEEE Trans On Automatic Control v.Ac-23 no.1 Eigenvalue/Eigenvector Assignment Using Output Feedback Umar,S.Srinathk
  106. AIAA Journal v.35 no.5 Finite Element Model Update via Bayesian Estimation and Minimization of Dynamic Residuals Alvin,K.F.
  107. AIAA Journal v.12 no.2 Statistical Identification of Structures Collins,J.D.;Hart,G.C.;Hasselman,T.K.;Kennedy,B.
  108. AIAA Journal v.30 no.1 Improvement of Structural Models Using Covariance Analysis and Nonlinear Generalized Least Squares Glaser,R.J.;Kuo,C.P.;Wada,B.K.
  109. AIAA Journal v.23 no.9 Stiffness Matrix Adjustment Using Mode Data Kabe,A.M.
  110. IMAC A Comparison of Sensitivity and Response Function Based Updating Techniques Imregun,M.;Ewins,D.J.;Hagiwara,I.;Ichikawa,T.
  111. AIAA Journal v.28 no.6 Submatrix Approach to Stiffness Matrix Correction Using Modal Test Data Lim,T.W.
  112. AIAA Journal v.31 no.9 Updating Finite Element Dynamic Models Using an Element-by-Element Sensitivity Methodology Farhat,C.;Hemez,F.M.
  113. AIAA Journal v.29 no.5 Compatibility of Measured and Predicted Vibration Modes in Model Improvement Studies He,J.;Ewins,D.J.
  114. IMAC Can Model Updating Tell the Truth? Hemez,F.M.
  115. AIAA Journal v.28 no.3 Uniqueness Aspects of Model-Updating Procedures Janter,T.;Sas,P.
  116. IMAC A Direct Two Response Approach For Updating Analytical Dynamic Models of Structures with Emphasis On Uniqueness Ibrahim,S.R.;Stavrinidis,C.;Fissette,E.;Brunner,O.
  117. IMAC Crack Identification of Simple Structural Elements Through the Use of Natural Freuency Variations : The Inverse Problem Silva,J.M.M.e.;Gomes,A.J.M.de A.
  118. IMAC Application of Sensitivity Methods For Error Localization In Finite Element Systems Wolfgang Luber;Albert Lotze
  119. AIAA Journal v.25 no.10 Sensitivity of Total Strain Energy of a Vehicle Structure to Local Joint Stiffness Chon,C.T.
  120. Journal of Sound and Vibration v.210 no.1 Localization of Damaged Structural Connections Based on Experimental Modal and Sensitivity Analysis Lam,H.F.;Ko,J.M.;Wong,C.W.
  121. IMAC Field Verification of a Nondestructive Damage Localization and Severity Estimation Algorithm Stubbs,N.;Kim,J.T.;Farrar,C.R.
  122. AIAA Journal v.34 no.10 Structural Damage Detection Using Real-Time Modal Parameter Identification Algorithm Lim,T.W.;Bosse,A.;Fisher,S.
  123. AIAA Journal v.32 no.5 Structural Damage Detection of Space Truss Structures Using Best Achievable Eigenvectors Lim,T.W.;Kashangaki,T.A.L.
  124. AIAA Journal v.35 no.1 Structural Damage Identification Using Assigned Partial Eigenstructure Cobb,R.G.;Liebst,B.S.
  125. AIAA Journal v.30 no.7 Eigenstructure Assignment Approach for Structural Damage Detection Zimmerman,D.C.;Kaouk,M.
  126. AIAA Journal v.32 no.4 Structural Damage Assessment Using a Generalized Minimum Rank Perturbation Theory Kaouk,M.;Zimmerman,D.C.
  127. Transactions of the ASME v.116 Structural Damage Detection Using a Minimum Rank Update Theory Zimmerman,D.C.;Kaouk,M.
  128. Journal of Applied Mechanics v.60 Correction of Joint Stiffnesses and Constraints for Finite Element Models in Structural Dynamics Mottershead,J.E.;Weixun,S.
  129. Journal of Sound and Vibration v.101 no.4 Parameter Identification In Distributed Systems Baruh,H.;Meirovitch,L.
  130. AIAA Journal v.28 no.9 Location of Modeling Errors Using Modal Test Data Lin,C.S.
  131. IMAC Comparative Study of Vibration-Based Damage ID Algorithms Cornwell,P.J.;Kam,M.;Carlson,B.;Hoerst,B.;Doebling,S.W.
  132. AIAA Journal v.14 no.2 Orthogonality Check and Correction of Measured Modes Targoff,W.P.
  133. IMAC Comparison of Expansion Methods for FE Modeling Error Localization Gysin,H.
  134. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing v.5 no.5 Fault Detection and Localization In Structures : A Discussion Natke,H.G.;Cempel,C.
  135. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing v.1 no.2 Dominant Error Localisation In a Finite Element Model of a Mechanical Structure Zhang,Q.;Lallement,G.
  136. AIAA Journal v.34 no.12 Minimum-Rank Optimal Update of Elemental Stiffness Parameters for Structural Damage Identification Doebling,S.W.
  137. AIAA Journal v.35 no.4 Improved Damage Location Accuracy Using Strain Energy-Based Mode Selection Criteria Doebling,S.W.;Hemez,F.M.;Peterson,L.D.;Farhat,C.
  138. AIAA Journal v.34 no.12 Damage Detection in Beam Structures Using Subspace Rotation Algorithm with Strain Data Kahl,K.;Sirkis,J.S.
  139. IMAC A Criterion for the Localization of Structural Modification Sites Using Modal Data To.W.M.;Lin,R.M.;Ewins,D.J.
  140. The International Journal of analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis v.8 no.2 Model Updating and Joint Identification Methods : Applications, Restrictions and Overlap Nobari,A.S.;Robb,D.A.;Ewins,D.J.
  141. Journal of Sound and Vibration v.210 no.2 Detection of Structural Faults by Modal Data, Lower Bounds and Shadow Sites Contursi,T.;Mangialardi,L.M.;Messina,A.
  142. AIAA Journal v.35 no.2 Sensor Placement and Structural Damage Identification from Minimal Sensor Information Cobb,R.G.;Liebst,B.S.