초파리 rdgA 시각돌연변이체 단안의 형태적 연구

Ultrastructure of Ocellus in Drosophila melanogaster Visual Mutant rdgA

  • 윤춘식 (생명공학연구소 분자세포생물학연구부)
  • 발행 : 1999.06.01


Ocellar morphological abnormality was studied in Drosophila rdgA mutant. In the mutant, ocellar photoreceptor cells were generally affected by the defection of rdgA molecules. Among organelles of photoreceptor cell, rhabdomeres were remarkably degenerated. The rdgA molecule, diacylglycerol kinase, was localized around SRC just below the rhabdomeric region. As a secondary phenomenon of photoreceptor degeneration, rER, multivesicular body and multilamella body were appeared in cytoplasm and these were known as to clean the cellular debris. These morphological abnormality was generally observed in degenerating cells. In Drosophila mutant, the degeneration of ocellar photoreceptor cell was facilitated to time. More intense morphological defection was observed in rdgA^{ks60} rather than in yw;rdgApc47.



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