산업체 작업환경의 실내 공기에서 미생물 오염도

Microbiologic Pollution of Indoor Air in Industrial Work-Places

  • 강경희 (고신대학교 의학부 미생물학교실) ;
  • 장명웅 (고신대학교 의학부 미생물학교실)
  • 발행 : 1999.06.01


This study was investigated to isolate identify the total bacteria and fungi from the indoor air of work-place of the shoes, paint, stainless steel, and plastic industries. The number of bacterial colonies on the nutrient agar plates were calculated by the open petridish method for 30 minutes in indoor air of work-places at the autumn and winter. The isolated bacteria were identified by Gram stain and biochemical test using API Staph and API 20E kits. The isolated fungal colonies were identified by gross appearance of the giant colonies and microscopic examination of their spore and hyphal characteristics on the slide culture method. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of several antibiotics against isolated bacteria was determined by the microdilution method with Mueller-Hinton broth. The 70-400 colonies in autumn and 54-236 colonies in winter were isolated from the indoor air of work-places of several industry. The isolation rates of Gram positive cocci, Gram positive bacilli, Gram negative bacilli, and Gram negative cocci were 46.3%, 19.8%, 17.3%, and 16.1%, respectively. In Gram positive cocci, the most strains were identified as Aerococcus spp, Micrococcus spp, and Staphylococcus spp. In Gram positive and negative bacilli, and Gram negative cocci were identified as Bacillus spp, Pseudomonas spp, and Neisseria spp, respectively. The frequently isolated fungi were Aspergillus spp, Penicillium spp and Rhizopus spp, respectively. The frequently isolated Aerococcus spp, Micrococcus spp, and Staphylococus spp were highly resistance against ampicillin, erythromycin, methicillin, and tetracycline. These results arouse our attention to microbiologic pollution in the indoor air of work-places of industries.



  1. 인제의학 v.13 부산백병원 치과 외래 진료실 공기 중 부유 균주에 관한 연구 강신익
  2. 대한 미생물학회지 v.24 포도당 비발효 그람음성 간균의 병원내 분포 강위석;조양자;정용훈;한왕수;서인수
  3. 최신의학 v.21 진균 알러지에 관한 연구. 병원성 진균의 분표 및 동정에 관한연구 고춘명;김주적;유준
  4. 한국미생물학회지 v.20 공기중에서 분리된 포도구균의 항생제 감수성 김성광;박미경;전재규
  5. 대한보건협회지 v.8 대기오염과 건강, 사망율과의 관련성에 관한 고찰 김윤신
  6. 한국보건협회지 v.9 실내 공기오염에 관한 보건학적 고찰 김윤신
  7. 대한의학협회지 v.32 실내공기오염 김윤신
  8. 예방의학회지 v.14 고무와 화학제품 제조업 산업장의 작업환경실태에 관한 조사연구 김준연;이채언;배기택;김준효;김진옥;김돈균;김용환;전종휘
  9. 국립환경연구원보 v.25 환경보건과 산업보건의 상관성 윤임중
  10. 충남의대잡지 v.1 병원 및 극장내 공기중에서 분리한 포도구균의 생물학적 성상 장명웅;최재규
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