복식디자인 요소가 얼굴지각에 미치는 영향

Effects of Clothing Design Factors on the Perception of Face

  • 발행 : 1999.05.01


This study was intended to make an inquiry into the effect of lines, shapes and colors (achromatic colors) as apparel design elements on the perceptions of facial size, brightness and shape through an empirical research based on the theories of visual perception and optical illusion that have been studied in Gestalt Psychology, which becomes the basis of apparel design principles. It was shown that the facial size was influenced by the collar size, the degree of neckline cut, and the thickness of the trimming line. The white scarf with the white jacket made the face look darkest while the black scarf with the black jacket made the face look brightest. When the neckline had the characteristic of the line contrasted with the facial shape, the oval-shaped face was perceived to be the most ideal. When the facial shape and the neckline shape were similar, the facial shape was perceived to be more highlighted.
