Air Quality in Northeast Asia with Emphasis on China

동북아시아지역 대기오염 현황 : 중국을 중심으로

  • 김용표 (한국과학기술연구원 지구환경연구센터)
  • Published : 1999.04.01


Data on ambient levels of $SO_2$, $NO_x$, and their emissions in Northeast Asia with special emphasis on China are collected and discussed. Also, study results on long-range transport of air pollutants in the region were briefly discussed. It was found that emissions of air pollutants in China are dominant over the region.



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  3. 제 2단계 2차년도 보고서 산성비 감시 및 예측기술 개발 박순웅(등)
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  5. 북한의 환경문제와 통일한국의 환경정책 방향 정회성(등)
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