Wetland Performance for Wastewater Treatment in Growing and Winter Seasons

생장기와 동절기의 인공습지 오수처리 성능

  • 윤춘경 (건국대학교 농업생명과학대학)
  • Published : 1999.08.01


Field experimnet of constructed wetland for rural wastewater treatment was performed from July 1998 to April 1999 including winter to examine the seasonal effect on the wetland performance. The system worked without freezing even under $-10^{\circ}C$ of air temperature as long as watewater was flowing. BOD removal rates varied in similar pattern as the air temperature, and winter performance was relatively lower than that in the growing season. However, removing performance during winter was still significant, and BOD removal rates were almost the the same as in the growing season. SS removal rate was relativelyless affected by temmperature, but lower decay rate during the winter can result in accumulation of the SS in the system, which releases constituents in the next spring and can affect whole system performance. The winter removal rates of nutrients like T-N and T-P were decreased about half compared to the growing season and low temperature. To maintain stabilized wetland performanced including winter time, supplying minimum heating for plants could be an alternative in field application. Experimental data was compared with NADB(North Americal Wetlands for Water Quality treatment database), and general performance of the system was within the reasonable range. The pollutant loading and effluent concentration of the experimented system were in high margin. Base on the experiment and databases, the required effluent water quality could be achieved if loading rate adjusted as ilulstrated in the database.
