농촌주택의 주거 공간구조 개선방안

An Alternative Improved-Layout of Rural House Plot

  • 발행 : 1999.12.01


Considering that rural village had evolved through a long-sustained effort of harmnization with nature, there should be the wisdom not only to reflect the level of rural resident's housing demand, but also to conserve the traditional characteristics of high-valuation in the modern rural housing. In Korea , standard design proposals of rural houses had been made public three times ; in 1972 , 1984 and 1995. so , firstly, this study analysed the inner-space layouts of design proposals mentioned above, from which changes and problems in the past housing design were derived. And also, through, the positive acceptance of residents' opinion living inthe houses built by standard design proposals in 1970 ~1980's, improved design principles and an alternative model were proposed , finally. The inner-space structed of standard design proposals in 1970s was originated from small-scaled and low-priced one, basically under the " open system". In 1980s, the basic design principle changed to the 'closed system' in which the living room being the focus of indoor family life, and , in 1990s, progressively, therural housing developed to the high qualified type by the spatial enlargement and with increased equipements. However, this structural change of rural house brought about the problem of functional separatioon between farming and daily living activities. In details, limited spaces of multipurpose spaces and sanitary facility would be mentioned as problems for improvement. conclusively in this study, newoly arranged "open system" was recommended , as a basic design principle for theinner space structure formation of rural house, which easily links the constituent inner-house spaces to outer one. Based on this principle, the detailed design criterial was proposed as follows ; 1. The living room be directly linked to the front-yard and centrally placed, the addtional space of which could be secured for the special family events by the flexibleuse of its adjacent room or by the housing of male quarters(separated from main building quarter). 2. The kitchen also be directly linked to side-yard and to livng room , for the convenience of farming activities and the shortening of path flow housewife. 3. The expanded toilet-and-bathroom be placed in the directly connected left-hand side to the living room and also be allowed access through multipurpose spaces to out door. 4. The multipurpose spaces be directly connected to the kitchen and the toilet and-bathroom , of which function would be for undressing of working clothes, quickwashing and ordinary working.nd ordinary working.



  1. 농사논문집 v.33 농가주택 유형별 개선방안에 관한 연구 김문기;남상운
  2. 표준설계도서 건설부
  3. 농어촌주택의 모듀율 적용 표준설계연구 과학기술처
  4. 전통·환경보존형 농촌주택 모형개발연구 농림부
  5. 농어촌주택 표준설계도서 농어촌진흥공사;농림수산부;내무부
  6. 대한건축학회 논문집 v.3 no.3 농촌개량주택의 평면구성에 관한 연구(I) 박경옥
  7. 대한건축학회 논문집 v.4 no.1 농촌개량주택의 평면구성에 관한 연구(II) 박경옥
  8. 한국농촌계획학회지 표준설계도서에 의해 건축된 농촌주택의 실태조사를 통한 평면구조에 관한 연구 박장혁;이신호
  9. 농촌주거환경 개선방안에 관한 연구 박정은
  10. 한국농공학회지 v.36 no.3 농촌주택의 실태 조사를 통한 개선 방안 연구 이신호
  11. 대한건축학회 논문집 v.3 no.6 전통의식적 농촌취락 기본모형에 관하여 조중근;김흥곤