Temporal and Spatial correlation of Meteorological Data in Sumjin River and Yongsan River Basins

섬진강 및 영산강 유역 기상자료의 시.공간적 상관성

  • Published : 1999.12.01


The statistical characteristics of the factors related to the daily rainfall prediction model are analyzed . Records of daily precipitation, mean air temperature, relative humidity , dew-point temperature and air pressure from 1973∼1998 at 8 meteorological sttions in south-western part of Korea were used. 1. Serial correlatino of daily precipitaiton was significant with the lag less than 1 day. But , that of other variables were large enough until 10 day lag. 2. Crosscorrelation of air temperature, relative humidity , dew-point temperature showed similar distribution wiht the basin contrours and the others were different. 3. There were significant correlation between the meteorological variables and precipitation preceded more than 2 days. 4. Daily preciption of each station were treated as a truncated continuous random variable and the annual periodic components, mean and standard deviation were estimated for each day. 5. All of the results could be considered to select the input variables of regression model or neural network model for the prediction of daily precipitation and to construct the stochastic model of daily precipitation.



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