Environmental Geochemical Study on Talc for the Application as Mineral Drug

약광물로서의 활용을 위한 활석에 대한 환경지화학적 연구

  • Published : 1999.12.01


Talc durg has been used at Oriental Medical Hospital of Kyung San University, and was analysed for mineralogical and geochemical studies. It consists mainly of talc with small amount of tremolite, dolomite and bursite, and its chemical compositions of MgO 31.65% and $SiO_2$ 61.0%, and cotain less inpurtities. Moreover, talc from the Dong Yang Talc mine is associated with calcite, gypsum and anhydrite, which belong to more soluble mineral drugs than talc, and contains Ca and Fe. These elements may give at least medical medical to talc durg as in the case of actinolite. Therfore, talc of high quality from the Dong Yang Tacl Mine may be used instead of imported expensive talc durg. Diagrams of log $a_{Mg^{2+}}$-pH and log $a_{Mg^{2+}}/a{\array{2\\H^+} $-log $a_{H_4SiO_4}$- may be used as basic data to predict and examine soluble contents of durg for medical experiments.



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