Lithogeochemistry and Gold Content of Plutonic

고흥 미복산 부근에 분포하는 심성암류의 암석지구화학과 금함량

  • 윤정한 (전남대학교 공과대학 자원공학과, 광주광역시)
  • Published : 1999.12.01


Plutomic rocks of the Mabogsan, located in the southestern part of the Koheung Eup are composed of granite gneiss, diorite, biotite grantie and granophyre. On the basis of Rb-Ba-Sr diagram, the diorires are plotted from granodiorite to quartz diortie, the biotite granites from granodiortie to anomalous granite and the granophyres in normal granite filed. The plutonic rocks tend to show the I-type characteristics in terns of ACF diagram, $K_2O-Na_2O$ diagram and $Al_2O_3/Na_2O+K_2O+CaO$ diafram, while have values of ilmenite series in magnetic subseptibility. The plutons could have formed in the tectonic environment of VAG+COLG+ORG based on the silica vs. trace element diagrams. Gold contents with major and trace elements have been determined for 21 granophyres, 13 biotite granites and 4 diorites are; (1) for the diorite, the rangs is 0.508~1.73 ppb with an average of 0.5ppb;(2) for the biotite granites, the range is 0.449~13.5ppb with an average of 3 ppb;(3)for the granphyres, the range is 0.508~23.1ppb with an average of 4.5ppb. The gold content of the studied plutons tends to increase from mafic to felsic rocks. Gold contents tend to show positive correlations with those of Ag and Zn, negative correlations with those of As, Ba and Rb. The copper contents of the plutons are comparatively high. Average copper contents of diorite, biotite granite and granophyre are 710ppm, 587ppm and 484ppm, respectively. The copper contents of the plutons tend to have good correlations with those of Ag, Bi and Pb.



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