- Rural Sociology v.43 The importance of anti-urbanism in determining residential preferences and migration patterns Blackwood,L.G.;Carpenter,E.H.
- Noles ef Documents v.78 no.2 L'Exode urbain, Quelques hypotheses appuyees sur le cas des Cantons de I Est Brunet,Y.
- Canadian Geographer v.24 no.4 L'Exode urbain, essai de classification de la population exurbaine de Cantons de I' Est Brunet,Y.
- Journal of Agricultural Economics v.61 Residential preferences, quality of life and the population turnaround Dillman,D.A.
- Bourgeois Uiopin: the rise and fall of suburbia Fishman,R.
- Journal of Rural Studies v.11 no.4 In search of counterurbanization: some evidence from Devon on the relationship between patterns of migration and motivation Halliday,J.;Coombes,M.
- Rural Sociology v.47 Anti urbanism and nonmetropolitan growth: a reevaluation Ilvento,T.W.;Luloff,A.D.
- Professional Geographer v.36 no.4 Counter-urbanization in societal context: long distance migration to the Highlands and Islands of Scotland Jones,H.(et al.)
- Rural Sociology v.48 Conceptualizing and measuring the nonmetropolitan turnaround in U.S. counties: an alternative procedure Poston,D.L.Jr.;Coleman,M.T.
- Social Forces v.60 A research note on the demography of occupational relocations Sell,R.
- Parallel Utopias Sexton,R.
- Journal of Rural Studies v.8 no.4 State Intervention and the Impact on Rural Mobility Flows in Northern Ireland Stockdale,A.
- New Directions in Urban-Rural Migration: the population turnaround in America Toward a theory of urban-rural migration in the developed world Wardwell,J.;Brown,D.(ed.);Wardwell,J.(ed.)
- Journal of Rural Studies v.6 no.2 Economic and quality-of-life considerations in urban-rural migration Williams,A.;Jobes,P.