- 中醫雜誌 v.30 no.4 腎虛與超양化物岐化매關系初探 陳晏珍;江家貴;楊宏德
- 中西醫結合雜誌 v.10 no.7 保腎丸結合辨證治療對腎炎患者LPO水平的影響 鄒燕勤;章永紅;余承惠;陸念祖;陳正芳;蔡新;孫偉;仇正南;徐國平
- 湖北中醫雜志 v.17 no.6 20種補益中藥對양自由基淸除作用的硏究 羅佩卓;진漢深;龍盛京
- 山東中醫學院學報 v.15 no.3 27種中藥及SOD對體外大白鼠賂均漿過양化脂質生成的 影響 舒守琴;余美娟;李祝;姚曉유;周恩萍
- 原本編註醫學入門(上) 李천
- 朝鮮大醫大論文集 v.18 no.1 백서에서 신 허혈성 손상에 미치는 칼슘 길항제의 효과 문철웅;정종훈;박찬국;이승일;배학연;장경식;김만우;정춘해;홍순표;이병래;김호중
- 朝醫大論文集 v.16 no.2 Alterations of O2 metabolite scavengers and production of superoxide radicals in ischemic rat kidney Kim Myoung-Choel;Lee Byoung-Rai
- Transplant. Proc. v.17 no.1 Five-hour hypothermic lung preservation with oxygen free radical scavengers Stuart, R.S.;Baumgartner, W.A.;Borkon, A.M.;Bulkley, G.B.;Brown, J.D.;DelaMonte, S.M.;Hutchins, G.M.;Reitz, B.A.
- Transplant Proc. v.14 no.1 Effect of xanthine oxidase inhibition on renal circulation after ischemia Hansson, R.;Gustafsson, B.;Jonsson, O.;Lundstam, S.;Pettersson, S.;Schersten, T.;Waldenstrom, J.
- Free radical scavengers. J. Vasc. Surg. v.2 no.1 Protection of the kidney after temporary ischemia Ouriel, K.;Smedira, N.G.;Ricotta, J.J.
- Role of superoxide radicals. Gastroenterology v.82 no.1 Ischemic injury to the cat small intestine Parks, D.A.;Burkley, G.B.;Granger, D.N.;Hamilton, S.R.;McCord, J.M.
- Oxygen radicals and human disease. Ann. Intern. Med. v.107 no.4 Cross, C.E.;Halliwell, B.;Borish, E.T.;Pryor, W.A.;Ames, B.N.;Saul, R.L.;McCord, J.M.;Harman, D.
- J. Pharm. pharmacol. v.41 Mechanistic toxicology: A radical perspective David, R.
- FASEB.J. v.1 Oxidantsandhuman disease : Somenewconcepts Barry, H
- J. Biol. Chem. v.245 A mechanism for the production of ethylenefrom methional : Thegenerationofthe-hydroxyl radical by xanthine oxidase Beauchamp, C.;Fridovich, I.
- Comp. Biochem. Physiol. v.49B A Comparison of the distribution and electron accepor specificities of xanthine oxidase and aldehyde oxidase Kreintsky, T.A.;Tuttle, J.V.;Cattau, E.L.;Wang, P.
- Science v.185 Freeradicalandinflammation :Protectionof synovialfluidbysuper oxidedismutase McCord, J.M.
- FEBS Lett. v.32 Glutathiond peroxidase : A selenoenzyme Froh, L.;Gunzler, W.A.;Schock, H.H.
- Robbins pathologic basis of disease Ramzi, S.C.;Vinay, K.;Stanley, L.R.
- 神農本草經輯注 馬繼與(主編)
- 中華人民共和國藥典一九八五年版一部 中華人民共和國衛生部藥典委員會(編)
- 中草藥注射劑 錢百炎;願茂瑜;王成榮
- J. Biol. Chem. v.237 Hepatical dehyde oxidase.I. Purificationandproperties Rajagopalan, K.V.;Fridovich, I.;Handler, P.
- J. Biol. Chem. v.244 Theregulationofratliver xanthineoxidase:Conversionin vitroof the enzyme activity fromdehydrogenase (type D) to oxidase (type O) Stirpe, F.;DellaCorte, E.
- Anal. Biochem. v.95 Assay for lipid peroxide in animal tissues by thiobarbituric acid reaction Ohkawa, H.;Ohishi, N.;Yaki, K.
- Arch. Biochem. Biophys. v.82 Tissue sulfhydryl group Ellman, G.L.
- J. Biol. Chem. v.193 Proteinmea surementwithfolin phenol reagent Lowry, O.H.;Rosebrough, N.J.;Farr, A.L.;Randall, R.J.
- Arch. Biochem. Biophys. v.250 no.1 Regulation of the mitochondrial ATP synthesis/ATPase complex Schwerzmann, K.;Pederson, P.L.
- Biochem. J. Milk xanthine oxidase type D(dehydrogenase) and type O(oxidase) : Purification and interconversion and some properties Batteli, N.G.;Lorenzoni, E.;Stirpe, F.
- Arch. Pathol. v.70 no.1 Myocardial necrosis induced by temporary occlusion of a coronary artery in the dog Jennings, R.B.;Sommers, H.M.;Smyth, G.A.;Flack, H.A.;Linn, H.
- Lipids v.11 Autoxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids(II) Pryor, W.A.;Stanley, T.P.;Blair, E.
- Adv. Enzymol. v.32 Theroleofglutathione andglutathione S-tr-ansferaseinmercapturic acid biosynthesis Boyland, E.;Chasseud, L.F.
- Pharmacol. Ther. v.37 no.2 Glutathione, free radicals and chemotherapeutic agents : Mechanism of free radical induced toxicity and glutathione dependent protection Ross, D.