전국한의과대학교 침구
${\cdot}$ 경혈학교실 - Exp Neurol v.61 Relations between forelimb afferent impulses and suppression of jaw-opening reflex in the rat Toda, K.;Ichioka, M.
- 통증 v.4 통증계와 교감신경계 김전
- Japan J Physiol v.36 Ascending fibers from the gigantocellular necleus to the centromedian nucleus of the thalamus in cats Ito, H.;Hasegawa, T.;Shoin, K.;Yamamoto, S.;Kitsukawa, H.
- Neurosci v.12 no.1 A spino-reticulothalamic pathway in the rat: an anatomical study with reference to pain transmission. Peschanski, M.;Besson, J.M.
- The rat brain in stereotaxic coordinates. Paxinos, G.;Watson, C.
- 최신침구학 김현제;최용태;임종국;이윤호
- 針灸學 上海中醫學院
- Exp Neurol v.65 Afferent nerve information underlying the effects of electroacupuncture in rat Toda, K.;Ichioka, M.
- Pain v.9 Local electrical stimulation: Effective needing points for suppressing jaw opening reflex in rat Toda, K.;Suda, H.;Ichioka, M.;Iriki, A.
- Exp Neurol v.87 Effects of electrocupuncture on the neuronal activity of the arcuate nucleus of the rat hypothalamus Hamba, M.;Toda, K.
- Brain Res Bull v.21 no.1 Rat hypothalamic arcuate neuron response in electroacupuncture-induced analgesia Hamba, M.;Toda, K.
- Brain Res Bull v.21 no.5 Effects of lesion and stimulation of rat hypothalamic arcuate nucleus on the pain system Hamba, M.
- 경희의학 v.7 no.2 중뇌-절단 흰쥐에서 전침 자극에 의한 開口反射의 반응 민병일;윤상협;나영설
- Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutic Res Int J v.10 Defferentiation between acupuncture and non-acupuncture points by association with analgesia inhibitory system. Takeshige, C.
- Brain Res Bull v.28 no.3 Analgesia inhibitory system involvement in nonacupuncture point-stimulation-produced analgesia Takeshige, C.;Kobori, M.;Hishida, F.;Luo, C.P.;Usami, S.
- Brain Res Bull v.30 no.1-2 The acupuncture point and its connecting central pathway for producing acupuncture analgesia. Takeshige, C.;Oka, K.;Mizuno, T.;Hisamitsu, T.;Luo, C.P.;Kobori, M.;Mera, H.;Fang, T.Q.
- Brain Res v.513 The arcuate necleus of hypothalamus mediates low but high frequency electroacupuncture analgesia in rats. Wang, Q.;Mao, L.;Han, J.
- Brain Res v.518 Analgesic electrical stimulation of the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus; tolerance and its cross-tolerance to 2 Hz of 100 Hz electroacupuncture. Wang, Q.;Mao, L.;Han, J.
- Brain Res v.577 Electroacupuncture modifies the expression of c-fos in the spinal cord induced by noxious stimulation. Lee, J.H.;Beitz, A.J.
- Pain v.52 The distribution of brain-stem and spinal cord nucleiassociated with different frequencies of electroacupuncture analgesia. Lee, J.H.;Beitz, A.J.
- Brain Res v.740 Examination of the afferent fiber responsible for the suppression of jaw-opening reflex in heat, cold, and manual acupuncture stimulation in rats. Okada, K.;Oshima, M.;Kawakita, K.
- Brain Res Bull v.26 no.3 Inhibition of the analgesia inhibitory system by D-phenylalanine and proglumide. Takeshige, C.;Mera, H.;Hisamitsu, T.;Tanaka, M.;Hishida, F.
- Brain Res Bull v.26 no.5 Analgesia produced by pituitary ACTH and dopaminergic transmission in the arcuate. Takeshige, C.;Tsuchiya, M.;Zhao, W.;Guo, S.
- Med J Osaka Univ v.29 no.1-2 Some observatins of centromedian nucleus and magnocellular part of medial geniculate body on sensory modulation. Koshino, K.;Kuroda, R.;Mogami, H.;Takimoto, H.
- Med J Osaka Univ v.26 Some efferent connections of the centromedian nucleus of the cat. Kuroda, R.;Murui, H.;Kamikawa, K.;Mogami, H.
- Brain Res v.146 Autoradiographic evidence for a discontinuous projection to the caudate nucleus from the centromedian nucleus in the cat. Royce, G.J.
- Exp Neurol v.79 Topography of locus ceruleus neurons projecting to the area dentata. Royce, G.J.
- J Com Neurol v.245 A golgi and ultrastructural analysis of the centromedian nucleus of the cat. Tseng, G.F.;Royce, G.J.
- J Com Neurol v.279 Topographical organization of the projections from the reticular thalamic nucleus to the intralaminar and medial thalamic nuclei in the cat. Velayos, J.L.;Jimenez-Castellanos, J.,Jr.;Reinoso-Suarez, F.
- Stereotact Funct Neurosurg v.52 no.2-4 Connectivity patterns of thalamic Nuclei implicated in dyskinesia. Carpenter, M.B.
- J Com Neurol v.344 Synaptic relationships between dopaminergic afferents and cortical or thalamic input in the sensorimotor territory of the striatum in monkey. Smith, Y.;Bennett, B.D.;Bolam, J.P.;Parent, A.;Sadikot, A.F.
- Brain Res v.403 Neurotensin immunoreactive neurons in the human infant diencephalon. Sakamoto, N.;Michel, J.P.;Kopp, N.;Pearson, J.
- Brain Res v.704 The vestibular nuclei of the rat project to the lateral part of the thalamic parafascicular nucleus (centromedian nucleus in primates). Shiroyama, T.;Kayahara, T.;Yasui, Y.;Nomura, J.;Nakano, K.
- 동양의학의 과학적접근과 임상 민병일;김덕곤
- Acupuncture, trigger points and musculoskeletal pain. Baldry, P.E.